Sollte ich zurück gehen?

Hey, ich bin 13 Jahre alt, und wurde vor ungefähr 4 Wochen von dem Jugendamt von meiner Mutter weg genommen, weil viele von hier haben gesagt ich soll mich ans Jugendamt wenden… aktuell hab ich ein sehr schlechtes Gefühl in der ganzen Sache auch wenn es für mein Wohl war. Hab ich ein schlechtes Gefühl wegen meiner Mutter sie hat mich zwar geschlagen und Flaschen nach mir geworfen was ja eigentlich sehr schlimm ist und verboten in Deutschland, aber ich hab Angst….

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1 year ago

Hi, I think your mama has a problem with which she has to deal with herself. She’s grown-up, but I understand what you mean, it’s your mama. Your feelings are also quite normal here, but keep your eyes on why you are at a distance. And just because it’s just that, it doesn’t mean it’s forever.

If you want to see your mama, someone from the jugendamt can regret your meeting. So you could see yourself in a protected frame trozdem.

In general, there are nice workers at the jugendamt for such cases as with you who advise you with such. They can do this better than we are here because they are specially trained for this and also know more about you and your mama and the surrounding.

All good for you and educate hefer vom jugendamt that will help you very much. And if you don’t want to go back, you don’t have to!🍀🫶

1 year ago

hey you have to let yourself think about it in a simple and objective

just neutral that helped me.

Look you’re only 13 the time that comes now will feel long, but you just have to let her come to you as I said at that time, after the time you’ll get the right one for you, you can only do that if you don’t feel bad.

dis becomes your mother even after the time.

1 year ago

What are you afraid of? Sure, even if your mother was violent to you, you still love her. You still don’t have to have a bad conscience. You’re just thinking for you and for your safety. You acted right and your mother was wrong. There’s no reason you should keep doing this.

1 year ago

Good morning,

It wasn’t a mistake to look for help but right, your mother needs help and you need the necessary time to make and process the whole thing, of course it will also make you create this incisive change, which will also improve again, which helps most to talk openly to someone.

Head up, again, you didn’t do anything wrong.

1 year ago

You’re afraid of your mother? Right. If she beats you and throws bottles after you, you’re in danger. Now you’re safe and you’re still afraid? About what?

Do you have a bad conscience because you turned to Jugenamt? You want to protect your mother?

That you have a bad feeling is normal, but it’s gonna be time. Use this time for school, for your friends, for your future.

Your mother needs some time to think. She made a lot of mistakes you suffered. Surely she will try to improve her behavior, but that takes his time. She will also need help to get her aggressions under control. Leave her this time, it’s good for both sides.

1 year ago

Hey, if you were so bad with her, I wouldn’t go back. Otherwise, someone should talk to her, and she’s going to get to reason, and then you could talk and clarify it, but would do something good for you first time
LG and all good and happiness 🍀

1 year ago

You didn’t lose anything with a violent mother.

Don’t make a bad conscience and focus on your own life.

You’re safe now and you have nothing to fear.

1 year ago

I’m sorry to hear that.

Even if it’s hardly bearable, you have to stay strong. To your own safety (and your mother’s safety more or less). Other crimes for their part)

I hope you’ll get used to your new family.

1 year ago

What are you afraid of? Before the youth office? From my point of view, they certainly want the best, and if you weren’t well at home there, you shouldn’t be back as it is domestic violence

1 year ago
Reply to  Sofieelise

Are you currently at home or at the youth office in a facility?

1 year ago

Stay there best, it’s hard but that’s the best for you I hope it’s better for your safety that’s not happening to you and your mom can’t do anything if you’re not with her.

1 year ago

In that case, the court will not leave you back to your mother.

1 year ago

You are not responsible for your mother