Should I go to the doctor?
Whenever I have my period, it's very heavy, and I have to change my pad or tampon every hour. I also get severe cramps and often have to take a pill. My period usually lasts 7 days, but sometimes it lasts 8 days. Should I see a gynecologist, or is this over the top?
Going to the female doctor and being examined is always good
My tips for period pain:
Buscopan Plus or Dolormin for women
Women’s coats
Heat bottle / cherry kernel cushion
At work heat plasters
You’re bleeding and you’re in pain. These are complaints and complaints can be made to the doctor. Exaggerated is the question of whether this is excessive.
Magnesium and medicinal herbs (-Tees) are both in the pharmacy. The strong bleeding can come from myomas, but also have genetic reasons. How was that with your mother?
It can never hurt to explain it to a gynecologist.
If it’s your first visit, then it’s not afraid, nothing is done or examined what you don’t want.
I’d go to the women’s doctor for some purpose, sure is safe
Let’s see if everything’s okay
If you suffer from this, let the doctor advise you. When everything is cleared, you have a safe feeling.