Sollte ich vegan werden?

Hey! Ich bin 17 und w und sehe zB auf Tiktok viele Tiere die leiden und einfach nur arm aussehen. Ich kann das nicht mehr mit meinem Gewissen vereinbaren zB wie ich heute Chicken Mc Nuggets gegessen habe, musste ich mich an das Huhn aus Tiktok erinnern. Was tun? Ist vegan werden einfach?

ich bitte um respektvolle Antworten🎀

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9 months ago

You “should” nix – in this respect!

Vegan “will” you when your head and heart make “click” – only then are you ready for:

Without If and But!

Listen to the signals in you – all good…;)

I would like to give you a quote from Andreas Grabolle – at the end of his book “No meat makes happy”:

  • “If you want it, you will find a way – if not, an apology.”

That’s what it’s like – in my opinion – as the “Faust aufs Auge” !

9 months ago

You don’t have to be directly vegan, you can also easily access other products where you know the postures.

For example, I eat meat on a day ind he week and otherwise vegetarian.

You need to see how you can arrange. You can also change your whole cook. I’m too stupid to cook with meat, but I can eat vegetarian dishes.

9 months ago
Reply to  Genervter0815

What is your favorite vegetarian dish? 🙂

I am vegetarian and like to try new recipes from 🙂

9 months ago
Reply to  Hsczw829

Vegetraic bean burgers. Pattie from Kidney beans, oat flakes and eggs. Otherwise, the burger is quite normal with fried onions. Just good.

9 months ago

Hmm sounds delicious, make mine always from Kidney beans.

9 months ago

I’m glad you’re really against animal torture 🙂 And not, like most, weathering against animal cruelty, but then suddenly change your mind as soon as animal quality is addressed in the animal industry.

When you get vegan, you have to reconcile yourself naturally. It’ll take a couple of weeks, but you can do that!

However, it is important not only to do without animal products – but also to learn how to eat healthy. I recommend it to everyone, whether vegan or not. But an unhealthy vegan diet can lead to nutrient deficiency faster than an unhealthy omnivore diet.

This article has helped me:

There are also good apps, e.g. the PETA veganstart app or “daily dozen” where you can see what food you eat for optimal Food should eat as daily as possible

And of course also books, youtuber etc, which deal with healthy nutrition. The linked article is enough for entry but first, I would say.

What you have to do is supplement B12. This is available as a small tablet for swallowing, lutchbon, toothpaste or drops.

Especially at your young age, I think it’s important to know other vegans. Best of course irl friends, but also an online community helps already very much!

success 🙂

9 months ago

Simply lies in the eye of the viewer. For me the changeover was very easy, my friend is hard to do and will never completely change (which is fine for me). So whether it will be easy for you to change depends on you and also on your environment.

9 months ago

Uninstall Tik Tok and don’t go to Mc Doof anymore.


9 months ago
Reply to  Daniel551980

And you are a community expert on nutrition? The answer is really weak.

9 months ago
Reply to  Genervter0815

What do you want to read? The Tiktok is right, is a super source of information and Mc Donalds is a great sustainable group?

9 months ago
Reply to  Genervter0815

The same I thought

9 months ago

Then help these people understand.

It was a reasonable question. Nobody asks for compassion.

9 months ago

There are as good as no good nutritional documentation where the narrative is already established and people/firms pay money precisely because a certain opinion is promoted.

See “The Gamechanger” z. B.

9 months ago

In a reasonable question, I also write sensible answers. These are more like “First World Problems” of uninformed and manipulated youth.

My compassion keeps within limits.

9 months ago

What are you looking at?

9 months ago

What are you doing? You’re supposed to write a reasonable answer to annoying serious question and not ride on Tik Tok.

You don’t need to take me in the arm, I’ve already slaughtered and broken enough animals.

9 months ago

If it doesn’t feel good for you, it’s the right choice for you. You can also become a vegetarian first and then slowly increase. I’ve been a vegetarian for 4 months, but I’m mainly vegan.

It was the best decision I could make. I also deliberately looked at Dokus about animal husbandry, slaughter, meat consumption and so on, and then I also saw meat from one minute to the other.

Apart from the animal welfare aspect, it is of course also much healthier as long as you are balanced. But that goes without saying. As a vegan, however, you should definitely remember supplementing B12. As a vegetarian you don’t need this, you get it through eggs or milk(products).

And also make sure not to buy leather or fur and get animal-free cosmetics. Everyone should do that, whether omni, vegetarian or vegan.

Good luck on your way:)

9 months ago

You can also ask yourself why should you voluntarily refuse good, healthy foods such as eggs, milk or poultry and limit diversity?

9 months ago
Reply to  sausen2233

None of the animals suffer. They’re dead in seconds or they’re not getting anything.

And that’s how nature is. All living creatures handle it. If you don’t want to destroy a life at all, we would have to live completely natural relationships. Of course, it does not make this statement better, but if you look at it realistic, only the animals are milked and slaughtered that would otherwise not exist. The natural cycle is not negatively influenced in this respect. The equation always ends at 0. Whether you live vegan or not.

9 months ago

I am sure the employees of Wisenhof are now deceived that there are legal regulations.

Failing skin is stupid, because you just punish everyone and nciht the individual.

And yet, you’re doing all the opinions on animal welfare somehow.

9 months ago

You just do all the other opinions as wrong.

No, that’s true. But you pretend this is the standard. And that’s just not like that.

It is regulated by law that the animals should not suffer any pain when dying. And you can assume that the plants try to comply logically. There are no numbers that tell us how often it doesn’t work. And you can’t guess that. Like what?

Due to the legal situation and the fact that the companies would have to densely or could at least suffer an image damage, one can assume that they comply with their obligations and that only rarely happens (at least in European companies).

Now you can say, even if it only happens once, that’s too much. I understand. It is not a valid argument for me. Just as it’s not an argument for you to ban domestic cats just because a few Ar*** neglect their pets. Here, too, you could say that suffering could be avoided if you forbid pets. I don’t think the comparison is completely out of the air.

9 months ago

Thank God there are now better postures.

Soil keeping is not much better.

Now we just have to make sure that all pets are banned, right? Or do you not know the stories where pets have been cruelly abused and/or neglected by your owner for years? It’s animal torture.

No one has claimed anything else.

You just do all the other opinions as wrong.

9 months ago

To your “nature inspection”: daily meat consumption and mass livestock is completely contrary to nature.

Any other modern diet and generally sufficient food daily. Likewise, everything we eat is unnatural, all so bred by man. Farming is also contrary to nature.

9 months ago

Point 1:

Again, you bring a source that is clearly not neutral. Do you want me to look at the website of the Bockwurst slaughterhouse, how to promote your slaughterhouse, or at the Farmers’ Association? 😀

The human body needs meat,” is an argument behind which above all those who do not want to admit to animal and climate protectors that a steak simply tastes good.

No, I didn’t say that. It’s also very good without meat, I don’t deny it. I only have your “back to nature” picked up and vice versa.


I see, it’s not about the duration of the anesthesia. This actually makes more sense.

Then another subjective source comes. Sounds to me, too, like you want to talk up individual cases. And so it must be, otherwise these plants would not come through official controls.

that meat

Omnivore, if I may ask. Meat eaters call themselves Carnivore. And I don’t call you planters either.

you are talking

No, I’m just adding more value to my own personal health. It is more diverse at the end – this is unavoidable. And as jmd makes sports, animal proteins are simply better thanks to higher biological value. This gives you the greatest possible benefit. You can also create vegans, but this is less diverse, more elaborate and more ineffective. So what’s this a way of approaching? No rationals.

and close the eyes

Yeah, that may be. But there are also unambiguous disadvantages, and for me as a person there is no single advantage.

Veganism thus makes no sense objectively. But I still leave your faith to all people. Main thing, it fills you. Faith alone in doing or changing something good sometimes helps. Regardless of whether this is true or not, or whether an advantage can be obtained therefrom.

9 months ago

This is a reliable source. Animal welfare associations are precisely those who look at the farms, how the animals are kept. They control more often than the competent authorities.

The controls in the federal countries, which have relatively many fattening and breeding establishments, are most rare. In Bavaria (almost 148,000 farms), Lower Saxony (around 95,000 farms) and Baden-Württemberg (more than 82,000 farms), controls take place only every 48, 21 and 19 years. holdings-germany-control-only-approximately-all-17 years/#:~:text=while%20the%20checks%20in,21%20reference%2019%20years%20 instead.

But as I wrote in my other commentary, you like to close your eyes.

9 months ago

Point 1:

Did you tell you that? They’re not watching. And if they can smell it, you don’t know.

Machines, gates, human and animal voices create a loud and unpleasant noise scene that receives the animals in the slaughterhouse. In groups they are driven into stables where they wait for their slaughter. The smell of blood and the unpleasant noises trigger a feeling of fear in many of them. This is shown, for example, in cohorts and further escape attempts. Schlachtung-real/

Point 2:

However, not to eat meat, although our body is obviously designed for it, since we are now no plant eaters and also have more of animal proteins than of plant, is again nature or ineffective to sometimes remain objective.

“The human body needs meat” is an argument behind which, above all, those who do not want to admit to animal and climate protectors that a steak simply tastes good.

“Don’t vote,” explains Helmut Oberritter, Managing Director of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE). “An adult can nourish without difficulty. ‘

Point 3:

How is that supposed to work?


Some anaesthetic methods that belong to everyday life at slaughterhouses are associated with stress and suffering from animal welfare. This applies, for example, to carbon dioxide anaesthesia. As soon as pigs are exposed to CO2, this irritates their mucous membranes. Every breath is painful. The animals take air and try to escape panically before they become unconscious. Until this is the case, it takes 20 seconds torment pigs, even up to six minutes for salmon.


Holdings slaughtering poultry often in the electric water bath. To do this, they hang the animals on the legs head over in brackets. This alone is usually already painful. When the chickens, cocks, turkeys, ducks and geese are then automatically transported to the water bath, they often receive painful power strokes before the anesthesia or do not immerse themselves in the water because they move so much. They thus escape the electric shock, but consciously experience the battle. Schlachten

Point 4:

If that happens so often, you should report it. Because this is illegal and forbidden. And is usually checked.

Because they slaughter so many animals every day, employees rarely investigate whether every single animal is really anesthetic. Sometimes the staff overlooks something like this, but sometimes it also accepts it. It is not ensured that the animals are treated better in small plants than in large plants. Schlachten

But you’re used to the fact that Fleischesser talks and closes your eyes. No problem, I used to do that, but you keep growing and informed yourself and I did.

Happy you.

9 months ago

Would you like that?

No, but this is not the rule, but the exception

I used to do an internship in a cage and there were dead animals between the cages. And they didn’t die of pure joy, or fast.

Thank God there are now better postures.

Now we just have to make sure that all pets are banned, right? Or do you not know the stories where pets have been cruelly abused and/or neglected by your owner for years? It’s animal torture.

9 months ago

This is, of course, a very impartial source.

The animals take air and try to escape panically before they become unconscious. Until this is the case, it takes 20 seconds torment pigs, even up to six minutes for salmon.

If that’s the case, you should, of course, use yourself to make it “humaner”. I agree.

The same applies to the other area. Yeah, that’s not great, but if that’s really what’s going on and how many times this is going on, you don’t know. As a rule, it shouldn’t be like that.

9 months ago

How shouldn’t anyone just be killed?

By being killed quickly and pain-free or stunned?! How it is done?

Do you really think they smell the blood of their fellows and don’t realize they have to die next?

Did you tell you that? They’re not watching. And if they can smell it, you don’t know. However, I doubt it with a simple intermediate space that is connected in between. They won’t be slaughtered 10 meters further.

daily meat consumption and mass livestock is completely contrary to nature

Who spoke of daily meat consumption? Did I steal? However, not to eat meat, although our body is obviously designed for it, since we are now no plant eaters and also have more of animal proteins than of plant, is again nature or ineffective to sometimes remain objective.

Mass animal welfare

No one talked about it, too. Did you slip into the comment section?

how many the anesthesia lasts too long

How is that supposed to work?

or not at all entrance and they are then cut up without anesthesia

If that happens so often, you should report it. Because this is illegal and forbidden. And is usually checked.

9 months ago


Some anaesthetic methods that belong to everyday life at slaughterhouses are associated with stress and suffering from animal welfare. This applies, for example, to carbon dioxide anaesthesia. As soon as pigs are exposed to CO2, this irritates their mucous membranes. Every breath is painful. The animals take air and try to escape panically before they become unconscious. Until this is the case, it takes 20 seconds torment pigs, even up to six minutes for salmon.


Holdings slaughtering poultry often in the electric water bath. To do this, they hang the animals on the legs head over in brackets. This alone is usually already painful. When the chickens, cocks, turkeys, ducks and geese are then automatically transported to the water bath, they often receive painful power strokes before the anesthesia or do not immerse themselves in the water because they move so much. They thus escape the electric shock, but consciously experience the battle. Schlachten

9 months ago

That’s bullshit. It makes a difference whether there is an animal or not. Because if there is no animal, there is no suffering. And the animals actually suffer. I used to do an internship in a cage and there were dead animals between the cages. And they didn’t die of pure joy, or fast.

Even in terms of killing, something goes wrong and they are not really stunned and then live in the truest sense and divided in consciousness. Would you like that?

9 months ago

How shouldn’t anyone just be killed? For example, pigs are smarter than dogs. Do you really think they smell the blood of their fellows and don’t realize they have to die next?

To your “nature inspection”: daily meat consumption and mass livestock is completely contrary to nature.

You should see Dokus yourself and look at how many the anesthesia lasts too long or not even admission and then they are cut up without anesthesia to exploit.

9 months ago

I wouldn’t. For health reasons. I wouldn’t eat mass animal holding.

Against honey from the beekeeper, raw milk from the farmer, as well as organic meat and free-land eggs, speaks absolutely nothing against me. You have to know. I can work better if I’m healthy and vital. With my work I do my positive part for society. For humans and animals. Especially for humans, in my case.

Like megges, you can do without it right away. With everything else. But I recommend that you inform yourself about a new diet so that you can live with it as healthy as possible. I find vegan hard, but I have vegan homies that are very good. Still. 🗿

9 months ago
Reply to  Muslimhelper

I feel “always still” good with vegan being – even after several decades…;)

9 months ago
Reply to  Honeysuckle18

I believe you too. Many paths lead to Rome.

9 months ago

Yeah, you should.


If you’re still indecision, look at Dominion. You’ll never eat animal products again.


(I’ve been vegan for over 15 years and regret nothing)

9 months ago

Do what you’re convinced of. Don’t let others influence you.

If you can’t agree with your conscience to eat animals, then leave animal products. Look how you can handle it and then decide how to keep going.

9 months ago

Hey, I find super that you are thinking, you can try vegetarian to live today we have good alternatives 🙂 I stopped about 2 months vegan was just a reconciliation 🤷 ♀️


9 months ago

You could give up meat for the beginning, or at least those that were kept by animals under bad conditions.

9 months ago

Is it better for the chickens if you don’t eat honey?

Or no chickens?

After all, they live longer, exactly where they look so sad and, according to the vegans, even tormented.

If they live longer, they will be tortured longer.

If you don’t care about the animal, you’ll be vegan.

9 months ago

It’s not hard at all … there are enough tasty things without meat … zb noodles …Gibt tasty vegan pizzas …or also burgers … No person needs meat … And I’m also feast of convinced that we’ll do some penance for it because we killed animals!

9 months ago

If you want to limit yourself unnecessarily, please. Stay more for the others or land in the garbage

9 months ago
Reply to  sausen2233

They’ll be killed anyway and they’ve been killed before you bought it. But as I said, you may be vegan when it is worth limiting you

8 months ago

… of course, fewer farm animals are drawn and slaughtered when the demand goes back. It’s gonna take a long time, but it’s still doing something.

9 months ago

Then go. No relevant part will join. What you have left over just lands in garbage or is enjoyed by people who think that it is in no way immoral to kill an animal just to eat it while they laugh at you.

Demand of food is high and will remain

9 months ago

You’ve never heard of supply and demand, have you?

The fewer people eat meat, the less is produced and the fewer animals must die. Should be to deal with normal logic.

And at least vegetarian is definitely not a restriction.

9 months ago

Do not care about animals or society. Animal suffering does not diminish.

And uninstall TikTok, this is a huge evaporation factory.