Sollte ich sowas dem Arzt zeigen?

Habe das schon seit Mittwoch. Möchte Montag eventuell zum Arzt, falls es noch da ist und weh tut. Irgendwie sieht das gelbe in der Wunde komisch aus, ob das Eiter ist? Es tut auch in der Wunde weh,brennen und Jucken auch manchmal und auch schmerzen beim arm. Die Wunde ist durch allergiesche Reaktion,Hautausschlag und dann aufkratzen entstanden, hab zu sehr gekratzt.

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2 years ago

Don’t panic.

The smoothness in the middle is wound healing as it would also take place under the bark. Only without bark.

Pain can be from the depth of the wound.

Eiter I see on the photo not.

Nevertheless, you should let the doctor give you a means of faster healing.

2 years ago

Excuse me, but your 1st question about incineration asked you on 14.11.

and then again and again. That this is not a doctor’s forum, but a lay forum, is you aware?

Should I show that to the doctor?

Of course! And please go, after all you have burned for two weeks.

Good improvement and a nice weekend.

2 years ago

The yellow is Eiter. It’ll be there Monday and doctor is a good idea. Hope he doesn’t have to use the hellstone. Good improvement!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gesundheit261

No. Paving only after 24 hours, otherwise the skin irritates around it even more. But don’t apply ointment, the pussy has to get out, otherwise it’s getting worse. IMPORTANT, blos not scratching!!!

2 years ago

Hopefully. Don’t put the pussy on it, some air should get up.

2 years ago

Hello, definitely show to the doctor, love greeting

2 years ago

Buy octenisept in the pharmacy, this is not burning disinfectant. Disinfecting is important!!!!!!!! And get fatgaze. Let the pharmacist explain how to use it. This cures the wound better and it may not remain a scar.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gesundheit261

I’m not writing to burn, but to WUNDE. And here’s Eiter, you’re risking blood poisoning. You can lose your arm or die. Whether you find this funny, and the generous redness shows a lot of inflammation.

2 years ago

Any wound can give a scar. It depends on the size, depth and proper care and healing.