Sollte ich mit dem Autokauf noch warten wegen Corona?
Die Hauthändler sagen alle, es wäre sehr schwer einen Neuwagen zu bekommen wegen Corona. Ich habe drei Autos Probe gefahren, die mir gefallen haben (maximal 5000km runter). Ist es eine ganz miese Idee zurzeit ein Auto zu kaufen? Wie erkenne ich Mängel im Vorfeld?
At the beginning of the Corona crisis the cars were very cheap. Prices have now risen significantly.
Furthermore, during the Corona crisis, the production of chips such as processors, etc. was greatly reduced. There is an acute deficiency in the market, which also affects the automotive industry with regard to new cars. That’s why new cars are very difficult to get right now.
If you want to buy a car up to 5,000 KM, it is not a new car and is also available immediately. Every retailer is looking forward to customers who were not allowed to operate in 2020/21.
You’re not looking for a new car. Where’s the problem? And if you were driving used cars, they were obviously for sale.
Defects are very unlikely in the driving performance.
Oh, I accidentally read Amoklauf and got a shock. I’m glad it’s just a car purchase.
XD. You look too many action films.