Sollte ich mir sorgen machen?

Mein opa hat irgendwie voll oft einen roten kopf. Er hat auch oft gelbe augen (wegen alkohol vermute ich)

er hat auch ein kleines alkohol problem sag ich jetzt mal, ich weiss nicht, er hat halt damals immer jeden abend ein shot getrunken. Er konnte mich damals auch nicht Auto fahren, weil er meinte er hätte ein bierchen getrunken und hätte dann Angst erwischt zu werden.

er hat MICH auch einmal nach geld gefragt, damit er sich neues bier holen kann, was ich frech fande, als ich ihm dann kein geld gegeben habe, hat er sich aufgeregt und gejammert.

er hat sein alkohol also bier auch immer medizin genannt…

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2 years ago

Now, I think you already know the answer, red head and yellow eyes, and the associated anamnese, that suits presumed alcohol abuse. The yellow eyes come from the suffering of the liver, the liver can no longer degrade the many alcohol and therefore the eyeballs form yellow.

2 years ago

This would be an astonishing incompatibility if he’s incapable of driving after a shot and is levericked by a daily beer. However, if he still sounds like he’s got a liver damage, whether it’s stuck or not, be there. A doctor’s visit would be appropriate.

2 years ago

Either talk to his family doctor about it or you can call the doctor’s standby and sign the situation there. They can help you. The number is the 116 117.

My grandpa had his own pub and also drank a beer and after every meal a grappa, but he died naturally without the consequences of alcohol or a sick liver.

2 years ago


If you’re worried, go to Nacoa’s free anonymous chat tonight at 6:00: offers-round-the-thema-kinder-aus-suchtfamilie

2 years ago

If the white appears yellow in the eyes, then the liver is inflamed and that is no longer fun, he should do something about it and go to the doctor.

2 years ago
Reply to  taylor660

If emerel is so sure, as in my comment, I would rather call you the medical readiness service and describe the situation there. This is clearly faster than sending him to the doctor. The number is the 116 117.