Sollte ich mir beide Weißheitszähne ziehen lassen?
Ein Weißheitszahn im Unterkiefer macht Probleme, also es sind keine Schmezen, aber es bildet sich Eiter.
Der Zahnarzt meinte, dass er mir gleich den anderen Zahn auf der anderen Seite im Unterkeifer auch ziehen möchte. Dieser macht aber keine Probleme.
Die Begründung war, dass der Zahn irgendwann Probleme machen könnte.
Diese Begründung ist doch total Schwachsinn, weil jeder Zahn irgendwann Probeleme machen könnte. Dann kann ich mir alle ziehen lassen, dann machen mir die Zähne keine Probleme mehr.
this situation can better judge your treating dentist than the responding users here. No one here knows what problems your teeth cause or what problems they will cause in the future.
is a tooth inflammation present, should be treated and tried to obtain the tooth. If the inflamed tooth is no longer capable of being maintained, it should be removed, as it can damage tissue and teeth lying around permanently. Continuous inflammatory processes in the body are also generally not very healthy.
here is a general info on white teeth: have only%20to%20a,unreasonable%20and%20may%20asideeffects%20.
So trust your dentist, before you do it here with people who may recommend you leave the heart of the inflammation in the body unaffected.
The reason was that the tooth could eventually make problems
That’s exactly what I was told, and that made me remove all 4 wisdom teeth 10+ years ago and I don’t regret it until today.
It depends on how inclined the other tooth e.g. has grown. And if you get through well with the tooth silk between the last two, so they can’t stand too tight. You just let one go; the lower ones have quite strong roots, so that you don’t like to lame the whole lower jaw. After pulling, cold water often helps to rinse.
Of course not, if you don’t want to, just right not with such a silly reason! Even at the first, this is not so dramatic with the Eiter, if you have no pain yet. You don’t have to do whatever you say…
Do you, like the dentist, have an x-ray image of the bite of the Fs before you, you already accuse his ZA, he spread “bad reasons?
tja. At least the dentist is more likely to be able to make professionally correct statements than (laid) users here on good question.
see here: have only%20to%20a,unreasonable%20and%20may%20asideeffects%20.
If there is no root treatment at the tooth mentioned, the complaints will not remain.
as with any inflammation it takes something until the symptoms manifest:
Source: root-entzuendung-Causes-symptome-treatment/#newssection0
The reason that the user has specified was opaque. That’s the point.
And when the complaints come, of course, the situation looks different.
(No quotation, no link, only common sense)
you only spoke to me of guesses when I addressed the subject at all.
You told me, m.M. From “presume” I also read nothing in your texts.
and now let me finally be satisfied.
or do you want to fill me up again, as you already did at our first meeting?!
I only answered your comments for hours!
“I just made it clear to you with a link that you are wrong about it.”
You didn’t. The article under the link speaks of claims. Mine was not a claim, but a guess. These are two different things. You can guess everything, just tell the truth.
That’s not true!
I have just pointed out that your doctor bashing spread here is not exactly the fine kind, and a doctor may feel impaired by having the right to refuse.
the anonymity here and the Internet in general is not a right-free space!
You did deny it. I only made it clear to you with a link that you are wrong about it.
the “intimidation” should it concern you, really come to such a thing, then already get the respective lawyers who, if necessary, commissioned such a doctor. Not me.
I gave you a good advice on this.
You can bring him here or not. So or so it wouldn’t be mine problem, but yours!
What “dito”? I forbid the mouth here, unlike you. Unless you start with it!
“I’ll save the rest.”
That’s good, though it’s not true.
“but I criticized…”
No! I have no right to say what I say has nothing to do with criticism! It’s intimidation. If you’re fighting, please in a reasonable tone and not like that!
I’ll save the rest.
I “follow” not every answer, but you have followed me and flooded me with your text.
and you can say something, of course, but I criticized some of your statement, yes.
but you didn’t take that right out of me.
What assessments? You want to confuse me or what? The user has given a reason. If it really sounded as out of the mouth of the dentist as from the mouth of the questioner now, then from my point of view this justification is disgusting, point! Let someone else say a change, you follow every answer I write and try to tell me that I can’t say anything! It’s enough.
You can’t even allow a judgement on any assessments – for these reasons!