Sollte ich meinen Freund zu meinem Pflegepferd mitnehmen ohne zu fragen?
Denn was soll schon passieren? Merkt eh keiner und wenn ich frage sagt die Besitzerin vielleicht nein.
Denn was soll schon passieren? Merkt eh keiner und wenn ich frage sagt die Besitzerin vielleicht nein.
Hallo ich habe gestern 4 Vorwerk Hennen geholt und diese in den Stall gesetzt mit ausreichend Futter und wasser. Als ich gestern Abend und heute früh noch schnell reingeschait ob alles in Ordnung ist, die Hühner sitzen aber nur zusammen “gekuschelt” im legenest sie fressen und deinen zwar aber sind sehr sehr ängstlich. Was soll…
Welche Anpassungen haben Katzen auf die Umwelt und Lebensweise
Hallo, dürfen Heuschrecken (zum Beispiel Wanderheuschrecken oder Wüstenheuschrecken) auch Wasserpflanzen aus dem heimischen Aquarium zu fressen bekommen? Zum Beispiel Muschelblumen oder ludwigia. Diese wachsen ja auch emers und werden bei mir nicht gedüngt. Spricht etwas dagegen?
I handle it like this: As long as the RB / PB does not leave the visitor directly on the horse, it does not have to ask. But as soon as the visit acts on the horse, i.e. brushed, sometimes leads etc I would like to be questioned in advance!
Of course, every horse owner has other ideas. So I would rather ask you for security before there is trouble at the end, because for example another adjuster sees you, the owner informs a la “you actually knew that….” and you might lose the PB at the end even because of this. If your friend comes with me as an accompaniment anyway, I don’t know why she should have something about it.
He would only accompany me while walking, he himself does not come to the horse but only walks next to me
I don’t want to risk saying no because I feel much safer with accompaniment
Like I said, I don’t know why she should. This is more about informing them than asking them.
You can also formulate it more like this: “I just wanted to let you know that my friend accompanied me during the walk today. He does not come to the horse, of course, but only runs next to us as I feel more comfortable with it.” or something like that.
If the horses stand on their ground and ground, you should get permission beforehand, especially if you have nothing else to report than 0815 riders and the seemingly much more not to consider.
Such actions have already cost some of them.
No, that’s a normal set-up
What am I not thinking?
It’s a PFLEGEhorse, so it’s not- I would take my friend to walk because I was stupid on the last tour and it would be better if someone was there – of course I would lead the horse and not let him go. He would only accompany me while walking
No. Not just that – what should the owner have against it? Why should she say no?
Why not?!
I don’t know what she should have about it, I’ve never taken anyone on any horse before and maybe that’s not like to be seen in general
You must have come through something the idea why she could say no. Guessing people is not super easy!
Just when you think it could not be like seeing other people, the question whether that’s okay will be much more valuable.
You’ll see if it’s generally okay or you should leave something like that in the future.
And why not – because the owner is now also the Bestimmerin, quite simply. We can’t decide if she’s okay or not.
The sentence is more beautifully formulated!
I think you’re going to get a lot of crazy. As a horse owner you are happy about any info you have about his horse and his activities. A simple “I’ll walk with the horse later and take my friend with me because I feel uncomfortable alone, that’s okay, right? Of course he doesn’t do anything with the horse” won’t get stupid.
No, this isn’t stupid, it’s reasonable. So if you ask for a second.
No. I’ve never asked anyone in general if I can take someone to the stable and don’t know if you can do it, or if that’s stupid.
This has nix to do with her
No, no! Going behind the owner of the horse is an absolute NoGo!
If you already have such secret plans, I could understand if she doesn’t want it. So, you can’t really rely on you always treating conscientiously? But if there’s a trusting base, I didn’t know why she should have something about it.
But if what happens (how easy is a toe broken, for example, when a horse gets on it!) you come in devil’s kitchen.
I don’t know if she doesn’t want it, I haven’t asked.
Yes, of course I always handle conscientiously, otherwise she would not have entrusted her horse to me! As I said, I don’t know how she reacts and if she had anything to do with it. I didn’t even suggest I’d like to take someone! If she doesn’t want to, DANN you can speculate why and that it’s because I’m unreliable, not yet!
I don’t know what she should have, but maybe it’s stupid to ask.
You don’t really understand me. Even the idea “don’t ask dear ones because they could say no” seems to be a little inaccurate. You are quite aware that you should actually ask, and that is actually self-evident. So a reliable person does this simply, and does not come up with the idea of concealing something to the owner.
Then it’s still good to have it cleared. The best horse doesn’t use anything if the environment doesn’t fit.
I already know why I didn’t dare to ask. The owner was absolutely difficult and the whole thing went no longer long.
No, no.
Why should the owner say no? And if it will have a reason, it will ultimately be their decision.
Why should you risk your relationship is more the question.
If I could just get someone to be brought with me without that being acquitted in any way, I would be extremely annoyed as a horse owner.
I don’t know why she would say no, but I don’t want to risk it. I’ve been bad at the last walk and would feel more comfortable when someone comes.
I’ve already read this and you’ve also got answers to this comment. There’s no one on your side. Being behind the back of the horse owners is a No Go.
I went voluntarily, there were some bad incidents that went on their cap.
I know how this must have been over here, but remember that you can’t get everything behind a screen. I know why I was afraid to talk openly to her.
Very good, hope she throws you out (:
I noticed that, too, but I don’t care. When I asked this question, I had no definite opinion yet, but I decided to take it with you despite your answers. The risk that no is said is too high and my good is just more important to me.
It is my decision, though a bad one, and I also bear the consequences.
What does it say to ask? I don’t have RB or PB for my horse, but it’s moving from time to time by a friend. I trust her in every way. Even if her boyfriend’s in the stable I’ve met personally, I wouldn’t have any concerns if he, without asking me before, stroked my horse. ABER: I think I would mind if she left someone else with my horse unquestioned! And if it’s her friend. The person may stroke my horse from me, but already give it to the small tube, I would like to be asked for permission. Because if there’s anything happening, and I didn’t know that a wild person had to do with my horse, I’m the one who’s pulled to the Räson afterwards!
Therefore: inform the owner that you want to bring someone, and ask if that’s okay. If she says no, you have to accept that.
In contrast, it says that she could say no and that would be very difficult for me to accept, because last time I was on the road with the horse was stupid and would feel much safer if someone came with me, so I don’t want to risk saying no.
Of course, only I would act with the horse!! He’s just supposed to accompany me while I go.
Because the possibility exists that she says no, do you prefer not to ask, although it is very unlikely that she says no? And if she didn’t want to, what would it look like if you were just doing anyway?
I just didn’t ask about this because I went out of a self-evident yes. If you have any doubt, please ask.
And if she says no, you won’t walk if you don’t trust yourself. But I still can’t imagine someone saying no.
Then I’d tell her that you feel more comfortable when he comes. The owner has more understanding of it than if you make it secret. This is also relevant in terms of insurance.
Don’t say that. It’s enough if he’s standing next to him, he’s scrambling the horse and catching him when he leaves. It almost happened to me. A strange girl stood at the coupling when I got my wallach. She has stroked him without me getting it on the flank (I was standing with my back to her to hang the fence). I came against the electric fence and got a blow, my horse was shocked and she just said, What was that? He almost kicked me!
That’s why you don’t stand behind a horse and keep a distance. In addition, you ask the owner if you can stroke the horse. It could have been that he’d grabbed a fly and caught her fingers. But she asked if she could hold him, and I said yes. That’s all.
There’s nothing to happen if he’s not on the horse
What do you want to take him?
If the horse is in a “normal” stable where visitors are welcome, and you just want to let him look, I’d just take him, I’ve also done with my previous RB.
If you want him to do something on the horse, of course you have to ask.
to go for a walk because I was stupid on the last tour and it’s better if someone is there – of course I would lead the horse and not let him go. He would only accompany me while walking
And yes, is a “normal” stable
What do you mean, “close”? Besides the usual questions, why not sit on the horse, nobody usually says what?
In such cases, I’ve always handled it so that I just took him without asking. If you can get out without accompaniment.
I don’t know what to say.
You can’t know if there’s something else here. Because you haven’t told us so far. Keeping information back seems to be your habit. And then you’re wondering if you don’t understand. That’s harder you can say. And you can also explain this to the owner. If you live there in such an ambiguous environment, she won’t mind taking your bodyguard.
And here of us no one had anything to do with it – only against this lack of openness we have something. Think about it – we don’t know you. So how should something be against you? Almost everyone here answers questions with the motivation to help others. But some people make it hard. Maybe you should just leave it. You just waste your time with meaningless discussions.
It started with sexual, attractive sayings, then went down to run and insults. I do not repeat an exact word here, but it was already very disgusting
I actually thought under such circumstances it’s okay not to want to be alone – but you see that differently here
I’m a horse owner and would like to be asked if someone else is there. If your friend is going to take a look and take pictures, hold or sweep the horse, that’s all right. But if he’s supposed to do the box, feed or saddle, I’d mind. Because there I have certain ideas that I have agreed with my RB and which then please only do this person.
I wanted to take him for a walk because I was stupid on the last tour and it’s better if someone was there – of course I would lead the horse and not let him go. He would only accompany me while walking
That’s what you’re thinking and how you’re generally handled in the stable. With us it would not be a problem as long as the friend does not even go to the horse, but only look at you.
But there are also stables where strangers are generally not happy to see.
So ask better. Then you are on the safe side
I wanted to take him for a walk because I was stupid on the last tour and it’s better if someone was there – of course I would lead the horse and not let him go. He would only accompany me while walking
And it is a “normal” stable where visitors are allowed
Gives the owner and then to your friend a crash course in horse safety (so where he should not stand and where the horse cannot see him).
I didn’t let her know and then I was very quickly away.
Well, you know, karma and so… sometimes really stupid things happen. Besides, I’d be stinky as Besi if you were acting behind my back. Someone sees you or comes straight there the Besi itself around the corner.
Just ask and if she doesn’t, she says no. Her horse, her rules.
In the end, it wasn’t so bad that I didn’t ask her, given the fact that she didn’t tell me anything and put the horse’s health at stake.
Her (poor) horse, her rules, but without me.
Ask beforehand if you intend to take others to the horse.
it’s coming out anyway.
But I don’t want to risk saying no, because I feel more comfortable with accompaniment after being stupid on the last walk
He’s not coming to the horse
that’s uninteresting.
you ask.
and as I said – it comes out IMMER.
I would be mad as a horse owner at any rate to be passed over.
I understand how that came over at that time, but given the fact that everything has happened to this owner, I understand why I was so scared at that time.
Just give it up, she doesn’t want to understand…
It’s a good reason, but you don’t understand that.
If you care about homelines in front of the owner, you’ll ruin it yourself.
Bullshit. But hey, if anyone’s ever been harassed by you, that’s a good thing. Nevertheless, it is very insensitive to constantly hacking around that someone was harassed and pretending that it was not a problem. Sure, I don’t understand.
In addition, you should not throw stones when you sit in the glass house. You call me pampy, but I don’t know (14 years, btw…)
The so-called “Pferdeprofis” are unfortunately always the worst… This is also a laity forum and then riders wonder why there are so many clichés about the rider scene. Shame!
Where is the problem when she says no? Do you want to get a big shot if you get a strange person to the horse? And there it doesn’t matter if the person is just – sorry – stupid. If something happens, you’re guilty and the owners are liable! It shouldn’t be a problem to just start the owner for a moment, to tell her the situation and to ask her if it’s okay for her. And if she says yes, everything is great! If she says no, she says no. Point. Out. There is nothing to discuss and then you have to accept it. After all, you have a contract with the owner, in which exactly what you can and what is not (and if only by hand). You pay YOUR money for lovingly taking care of the animal if she can’t.
But what am I talking about? Here are all horse professionals and have much more idea than you seem to have. Let it be said to you by horse owners: You don’t do anything unquestioned! Absolutely no matter how these things look, and if it’s just that you take a strange person.
But, just keep quiet with your defensive and pampering opinion. We just want to help you here and gave you real and polite answers. The only one who doesn’t want to understand is you alone.
I have to take a walk. But you’re really gonna mess it up. Next time, I’d rather not ask a question, not a question, and then lose the participation. At least I’m a bit safer
Then don’t walk. If she says no, she’d be mad if you don’t ask
No, it’s not uninteresting!
Honestly, I’m not going out alone. Then I’ll have to give the horse.