Sollte ich meinen Eltern davon erzählen?
Ich lebe seit meinem 2. Lebensjahr bei meiner leiblichen Mutter unf meinem Adoptivvater (verheiratet), zu meinem leiblichen Vater bestand also bis jetzt jahrelang kein Kontakt.
Nun hat mich eine Verwandte in der Schule angesprochen, wir haben einen Kontakt aufgebaut und meinte, einige Verwandte, darunter mein Vater würden mich gerne wiedersehen.
Ich habe ein miserables Verhältnis zu meinem Adoptivvater und bei meiner Mutter und meinen Großeltern ist mein leiblicher Vater ein nicht gerade heiteres Thema. Gab anscheinend auch mehrere Gerichtsverfahren (nicht direkt gegen ihn direkt), aber die Lage scheint insgesamt kompliziert.
Sollte ich meinen Eltern nun erzählen, dass ich mich demnächst mit den Verwandten treffe?
if you are not 18, you should not because someone should stop you/will, only if he shouldn’t like you or these people should go behind you anyway, because information = important
besides that you are already divided, that you will report on it for a short or long time, otherwise it sits on your sole and can make you despair
in itself I would do that with my father if I also want to see this too.., although I am already 18 but he has not really so horny mother (as I see them = I just don’t like them) threatened to seriously hurt them if he should see them again so POLIZEI LETZTE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (you know that I mean in a big and very serious way, do it better to you do it anyway
I would say it in any case,but if you want to get to know your father and his family can’t forbid you…we have a similar situation,have my son also adopted,but we have a super relationship u if he wanted to get to know his father I would really support him…so it should be
I think you should, so they know where you are and where they can find you if you don’t come back or anything happens. It’s for your safety.
Of course you could tell friends, but the parents have another weight.
They don’t have the right to forbid you. And you’re allowed to ask for accusations. I think you’ve heard everything your mother has to say about this. Now you can form an appropriate opinion.
I assume that it will not be hidden after you have met your biological father. Because of the states you quote, you are even afraid that you will get even more trouble. I would postpone this meeting for so long you are either no longer living with your stepfather or you are over 18 years old.
You could also go to the youth office and ask for help. However, the youth offices are usually overloaded so that they simply do not have time for such concerns.
I would tell and honestly say that you are conscious and also your right to get to know your father.You want to make your own picture of him.If you notice that you are doing well, then you have a dear person in your life.If you notice that you do not have any trouble getting to know you, then you will break the contact again. But if you don’t allow to get to know him, you’ll always think you’re missing something, all your biological father.Don’t go to this meeting alone and inform your mother about it, because you don’t know him yet.
Maybe later. Now simply focus on essential.
I find that very doubtful that any relative behind your parents’ back is trying to contact you and connect you with your physical father.
In my opinion, and as a mother of three adult children, this is very doubtful ours.
Could have unpleasant consequences for you. You don’t know your physical father and you don’t really know the story.
Of course you have the right to get to know your biological father, no question!
But in this way it is certainly not serious to do without your mother or the youth office.
It was my cousin. Our grandma still knew me from my childhood. She suffered from cancer and wanted to know how I am. I was confirmed several times that she’s dead now. That’s why I wanted to contact my grandpa at least. It is based on mutuality.
It was your cousin.
Ultimately, you need to know it yourself, I still don’t think that.
After adoption, your father (regarded purely legally) is no longer related to you – this is also true for relatives.
Why are you afraid to address this issue in the parental household?
With regard to these contacts, it depends on your age.
Above all, our contact is sought. That’s what has been left out of the relationship.