Sollte ich dringend abnehmen?
Meine Daten : ich heiße Melina bin 1m 62 cm groß und mein Gewicht ist 80 kg
Wiege ich viel zu viel und sollte ich dann schnell abnehmen. Ist es gefährlich für meine Gesundheit wenn ich nicht abnehmen?
Danke für die Antworten schon mal im voraus
There should be something down there. I’d advise you to slow down. Needs patience, but is both simpler and healthier.
Depends on factors such as age, body fat percentage and some more, but your health is very likely to be severely at risk
How to take a bit off would not be bad, eat less and do sports
Cycling and so on is healthy for your heart muscle
You can assume that, Melina. Not only that you will be unhappy because you are rejected by most people in your age, it is a great burden for your cycle and your knees.
You have 20 kg overweight, your knee joints are permanently overloaded, and before all in the summer you will gorge and sweat, and be constantly tired.
I honestly wouldn’t want to live like this young person.
And now imagine the questioner drives a lot and regularly sports and thus has a high proportion of muscle mass. Not only that is then your entire bill for the poppes, you also have flat-rate with added that it is ugly and “is rejected by most” . Young the FS is and don’t come with “writing style”
You’ve got a big big crystal ball, which you can read out everything.
And by the way, you’re an unsensible beef cattle to stay with your fresh direct way.
The only thing I can get from your answer is that you are a poor mess that has ned his emotions under control.
If the FS is not a bodybuilder, it is very unlikely that it does not have too high KFA in its current weight. There is no need for a glass ball, but only a minimum of common sense.
In my opinion, women benefit from a little more weight than social media. You’re probably not thin, but the weight is yours.
Lg Justus
Yeah, that’s too much. Take it easy, no. Definitely not.
Yeah, you should.
You are clearly overweight. If you don’t notice it yourself, you’re sick and you should look for help!
You don’t need to lose weight
80 Kg at 162 cm size is far too much