Sollte ich den Anfang machen und Deutschland verlassen?

Ich meckere ständig darüber wie sich Migranten in Deutschland benehmen und bin deshalb Pro AfD. Dabei bin ich eigentlich null besser als diese Migranten. Ich bin 50% deutsch und 50% Amerikaner und benehme mich teilweise genauso schlimm wie zum Beispiel jemand aus Syrien, Afghanistan, Ukraine oder Afrika. Ich bin schon mehrfach bei der Polizei aufgefallen und saß denn deutschen Sozialstaat zu oft auf der Tasche.

Sollte ich den Anfang machen und Deutschland verlassen?

Das Problem dabei ist das ich in Deutschland geboren bin und seit meiner Geburt nur die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft besitze. In der Kriminalstatistik in der ich schon paar mal aufgefallen bin werde ich höchstwahrscheinlich auch nicht als Ausländer sondern als Deutscher gewertet. In Deutschland bin ich Amerikaner und in der USA deutscher. Und in jedem anderen Land der Welt bin ich 50% deutsch und 50% Amerikaner.

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1 year ago

Maybe you can move Germany.

1 year ago

What start are you going to do? Before Germany leaves you, do you want to stop with Germany? But where are you going? I ask not only to choose not the same goal if I will leave the country for other reasons, but also for interest.

Do you want to go where you control the national language? What is this place? Or do you want to be welcomed by a people who wants to live with you? Give me that!

My acquaintances from Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Africa and the rest of the world are not bad. I find some Dutch, German and British worse. You seem to want to decorate yourself with your deeds. This indicates a development status.

By the way, the USA is plural in all languages. Do you really want to be insulted, advised or regretted?

At least you’ve reached me emotionally. Ade & fare well!

Oh, if you meet someone abroad, please let me know you’re half German! That’s all falling back on us. Thank you.

1 year ago

In your place, I would try to emigrate to the USA. 🇺🇸

You may have a claim to the US citizenship.

1 year ago

Good trip!

Greeting S.

1 year ago

I thought you were a halfway useful member of society and only have some misguided views to the rule of law.

But obviously you are not just against the rule of law, but also criminal.

I think without you, Germany is better off.

1 year ago

You realize you wouldn’t have laughed with your agenda when you win the AfD? Better, you’d go now as if you had to experience how then you’d be jumped over as someone who lives by taxpayers and was already policing.

1 year ago

I don’t care what passport you have, but after what you write, it would be a profit for our country.

1 year ago

Leave for others Germany? How dare you prove it and end the evil? I fought in dictatorship with means that weakened the state. I paid with a deprivation. Here in this country, there are certain people who have responsibility to take their power.

1 year ago

As a criminal, nothing better than Germany can happen to you.

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  Catfish123

No. Germans cannot be deported. Where are you going? 🙄

1 year ago
Reply to  Catfish123

It would be with you, lex AfD, then sometime a labour camp.

1 year ago
Reply to  Catfish123

No, it was just a fun thing because the Afd’lers always write that way. Don’t get in and stay here. Is worse than you are.

1 year ago

don’t let it get so close to you