Sollte ich das Programmieren am besten sein lassen?
Also, ich habe 2 Jahre lang HTML, Css und JavaScript gelernt.
Dann hatte ich aufgehört und gesagt, dass ich nicht mehr programmieren will.
1. Ich es langweilig finde
2. Weil ich fast einschlafe
3. Weil es mich nicht mehr wirklich interessiert
Vor 2 Tagen wollte ich mit C# anfangen und dachte mir so. Ne ne. Ist doch nichts für mich. Das Gefühl der Müdigkeit kam wieder.
Aufjedenfall ist meine genauere Frage:
Soll ich lieber Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration werden? Ich bin deutlich mehr der Hardware Typ.
This is how your question reads and it should be something you should be able to answer yourself. How about you learn more about professions and knock it off with your interests?
If you’re having trouble with it and aren’t really sure about it, be told that it won’t be better in professional life. There you will also be given tasks that you may not like or say less.
You can understand everything and nothing. My father is also a “hardware type”, buys everything possible to electronics and if he does not get it to run immediately after unpacking, the phone rings right away with me.
also specialist informatics need basics of programming. This includes advanced basic knowledge in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you get tired of simple things like technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, then I don’t know if the training as a specialist is suitable for you. Also for the field of system integration.
If you don’t have fun, let it be.
System integration is also a bit programming zb automation with Python.
Yeah, if you get tired of it, that’s more unfavourable, it’s been pushing me.
Maybe rooftop is the better job??
I’m afraid of heights.
Then do something in the gastronomy. Or become a cave researcher.