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2 years ago

I once talked to a policeman of traffic monitoring/training (even cyclists) about it, who found it much better to always drive with light.

Personally, I don’t see that as most wheel lights are quite dark.

2 years ago

Depending on which light you have on the bike, if you have a battery, I would only turn on a side runner dynamo in the evening when dawning, it will probably be hard to hit even before evening and the Nabendynamo give different where you do not feel resistance, or with resistance. If you want, you can go with light the day.

I have a Nabendynamo where you can’t feel any resistance when you hit and have made a lamp with daylight mode, use it very rarely.

2 years ago

This certainly increases the safety, I do this on my own because the brightness sensor of my LED headlight is broken and it always shines 🙂

2 years ago

I have a Nabendynamo, so I always leave the light (also on the day).

2 years ago

As a driver, I’d be grateful to you. Often you see a cyclist pretty bad through shadows.