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This is a mad action! I’m unbelievably happy that politics can finally get some shit, because you can not only save a lot of money, but I can also see my long distance boyfriend much more often. For 1x meetings we had to get a Baden-Württemberg ticket (21€), now only 9€ per month? Mega horn I just say xD
The ticket is also there to make public transport more attractive. With such a low ticket you can see the huge demand and interest of people. If I find good, there should always be:)
Why do you keep your boyfriend on distance?
Why not? It’s almost normal nowadays
I think that the 9€ ticket is a great intermediate step between the previous prices and completely free public transport, so that it can continue.
But only in the city where you live.
Yeah, the three months just don’t get it.
Why isn’t a good alternative for many, but not to use in the country, because the connection to the PNV is a catastrophe, you don’t get clear without your own car.
They should simply make the prices moderate… in Munich, a strip card for adults costs 15,20 euros (ten strips), which is anger.
How far can you drive?
Zone M – so to speak interior – two strips, short distance one strip.
If you drive from the main station to the Starnberger See you need four strips and for the return of course four more strips.
As if… I lived at the time in the district of Munich, my neighborhood looked like:
And for a short time I lived in this district of Munich:
Only rich people live in the area of the Republic. So can’t be shredded.
In the long term, of course, but not everyone constantly swings… the strip map is intended for occasional riders and the mVV is shrouded.
And a week or month card is not cheaper?
Once you drive, yes… once a month, yes… but not if you have things to do in the city, whether it’s a doctor’s appointment or whatever, and you’re coming out of the countryside and punching out loud stripes for every shot. I don’t know a munich guy who finds the stripe map cheap, she’s not.
For a good 12 euros from the main railway station to the Lake Starnberger and back. It’s almost a gift.
Yes, it would be an enormous help for many people, for which travel costs are a serious factor in the budget.
Not nearly for everyone – because for many people in rural areas the ticket will not be able to affect – because the connection to the PNV is simply not ( sufficient) given.
Who should bear these costs in the long term?
Should all tax privileges for drivers be abolished with regard to the environmental idea?
Private cars are abolished.
Then you didn’t get a driver’s license – the ÖPNV is enough for you?
Yeah, why not.
How do you get your claim?
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ÖPNV is important on the way to combating climate change