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What signal is this?
So the square with the line
The DB is currently not designed or equipped for it. There, where I live, there are continuous train failures, only half the train is constantly coming, etc. – the trains were already breaking up before the 9€ ticket, but since the launch of the ticket it has become really unbearable.
You’ve been on the 9 Euro ticket today?
Yes (yes, but with semester ticket), I have to go with the public to the university (2 train trips + 1 bus ride), then you are on the way early in the morning. It was too crowded before, but what’s going on is madness.
The state is not a producing company. It takes taxes and levies, plans a household and redistributes these things.
If you subsidize with billions of such things, then the money is missing elsewhere or must be saved elsewhere or alternatively a bit increased somewhere.
Problem is just – what about people who don’t? Where are they relieved? I live in a spa town, until the next train it is 15-20min by car and the bus rides every 2 hours and only on workdays. Shopping and Co? No chance.
That’s how the recession is… and that’s how the economy works, which many people don’t want to understand.
Yes, at least as now in the summer months. In this way, families with low incomes would be better financially relieved and more trips and possibly also trips can be made. The trains and buses would be a bit full of it (as of now 7 million 9€ tickets have been sold), but as a result there are no more so many traffic jams on the motorways.
No, because there is no revenue for the PNV. I find a model as fit in Vienna.
365 EUR per year, only for the local VV, not nationwide. NV is not intended for pleasure and long distance travel. Driving a car is much more expensive, under 5,000 to 8,000 EUR a year you hardly get away.
No, not sensible or necessary.
The ÖPNV has earned more recognition than being a cheap product, which ultimately costs only a symbolic price, and also, with the money that needs to be shot, it is possible to finance far more meaningful things for the expansion/operation of the ÖPNV.
What can be learned from the 9 € ticket:
Let us finally forget the small-scale thinking, we need a collective German network and not a separate transport network for each region.
That’s right, a friend comes from Stuttgart and was totally overwhelmed because we only have to pay €2.90 on the bus, with her the game runs completely different and costs more.
What does it cost in Stuttgart?
Here you can look at yourself: tickets/individual tickets
This is the zone control in big cities. It’s normal.
Boah, I really don’t have that in my head, I just know that it’s much more than we’ve got here, so I’ve got to ask again, but it’s not done with it that’s pretty stupid, because it’s also about areas, so if you have to get a ticket from area A, which is true for area B – so I at least understood it then.
as always much too short, then elsewhere the price is increased juicy.
The platform ticket is included in the 9-€ ticket.
However, does not change the fact that elsewhere the prices are increased and from somewhere they have to get their money, so the idea of a permanent 9€ card is due.
LOL Dream More
The State finances taxes, not prices. A tax increase of 10 cents per citizen per year could make a lot possible.
I pay 20 to 40 euros per month
You would buy a ticket for 20 to 40 euros per month?
Yes, my local monthly map already costs a lot of it.
No, I don’t want to subsidize your train.
Pay for it or run.
A disgusting answer.
I’m sorry.
Any subsidisation in the railways is better than the massive subsidisation of car traffic, as still continues, year after year. Your KFZ tax covers the road infrastructure only to a tiny part. Why are car drivers better?
Because we keep this country running.
Car drivers pay for this country, we subsidize the other means of transport, not the car is subsidized.
Being beautiful
Who’s gonna pay?
The one who also paid the unfinished bridges, the toll points, the entire advisor of Ursula, the war in Ukraine, the refugees, the repair of the marode DB bridges etc. I think there should be a 9- ticket in there for the vaccinated middle class. It’s going to be like the weekend ticket. Over time, the price is simply raised.
Well, every year, there are lustful sums of subsidisation in the CSF traffic. Don’t ask anyone about that. And every km you don’t drive with cars is good.