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Among other things, because you can simply use a testamentary heir, which can then be the niece, the best friend or the animal welfare association.
Who is too lazy to make a will, he will not do the whole paperwork of an adoption.
You mention the niece? She just waits for the two to crawl and hopes for the heritage. .
I mention an exemplary list. None, neighbor, animal welfare association and for my part also the Saarland.
The testamentary heir can be chosen. Especially since it could also be that an adopted child actually only waits for the two old to bless the time.
The childless couple can also use anyone as heirs, there is no need to adopt anyone.
From a purely financial perspective, an adult adoption in larger assets is quite sensible.
Spouses, children and registered life partners do not have to pay inheritance tax for continued self-utilised housing property.
For other inherited assets, there are allowances for children of 400,000 euros each, for other persons (for example to stay from a comment: niee, neighbor, animal welfare association) it is only € 20,000.
Depending on the value of the asset and depending on the tax class, the inheritance pays between 7 and 50 % inheritance tax.
Happy for you!
I don’t think that’s sensible.
It can be inherited from a non-profit organization or simply people who are at heart.
It doesn’t have to be relatives!
If the child is old enough to decide if it wants to be adopted, of course yes.
It will probably not go
This can be regulated with a will. This can also be adapted at any time.
Are you talking about an adult adoption or a child adoption?
For a child the couple would be too old. There is no official border, but most youth offices allow applicants up to a maximum of about 40-45. In addition, the reason for motivation with the heritage would be very strange to express it kindly.
An adult adoption would be possible, but pointless. Why adopt someone, you can simply use this person as a heritage.
Does anyone want to do that with 65 years? You could just write a will.
Sure, why not?
Finally, it is possible to adopt not only infants, but also confessed persons who come into question from the age distance.
In addition, there is no need for an inheritance transfer of a biological derivative.
The relationship is happy then!
No, but me…
At the age, an adult adoption is considered.
No. You can inherit anyone.
If you want to…