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No. There is no reason. It is not bad to get older, if you develop accordingly.
Everyone can think about getting older, because it also affects everyone. I used to be the youngest in older society. Now I feel what’s older. It’s a strange subject. I see how perishable subjective beauty is and people I saw in their young 20s or 30s are now at 50 or even 60. And now her appearance doesn’t matter anymore, just the character.
Absolutely not. I’m just a year older – hi. I am 26 😀
but honestly who says that getting older is bad? You get jealous and wiser and learn more and more. I think every stage of life has something good. See this as a gift. It’s a privilege.
by the way, that’s still long you’re young
I think it’s very good. You will also be jealous and experienced:)
had no desire to be back 14 🤣
If you think the fear is doing something about it, then yes. So it helps you not get older when you’re actively afraid?
No, but even with 14 :/
No one should be afraid of something inevitable
Fear is a bad companion.
Better take time rather than waste it for fear
No, no, you’re supposed to enjoy his life.
No because then more mature and mature
Don’t do anything because he can’t prevent it except suicide.
No. Every age has its charms.
Generally, you should not be afraid of getting older.
Why not?
because it is inevitable. If you don’t want to get old, you have to die young.
It’s pretty useless to be afraid of getting older. We all get older, it’s inevitable. Smurky as fear is to make the best of any age.