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2 years ago


For years I’ve been paying my ÖPNV ticket. Sometimes it happened that I was not allowed to go along because the box was already full. I also see people who prefer to walk instead of driving. They do that not because of health, but because they do not want to pay the price.

And these “free beer-faces” would all go with free ÖPNV. And I, who then paid for years, can run.

I’m constantly experiencing something like this as soon as anything gets free. “Then they come out of their holes!”

2 years ago

The discussion had already been with study that came to the conclusion that it should not be free as the ÖPNV should be for children and young people as well as pensioners.

2 years ago

How are the costs covered? It would have to be financed from the state funds. But who is the “state”? The “state” must also generate revenue from “somewhere”. I know the “German state” in parts very well and even personally, because the “German state” we are all, we citizens.

So it’s a left-hand bag right-hand bag invoice, which is opened here: The money we raise for the state we have formed can also give out “we” as a state. For what the money is ever spent, well, that is part of the eternal, political discourse (which we should keep quiet “all”. In the end, I have a certain amount (which I can also cover something else) that I can spend: for schools, for infrastructure (roads, rails, transports, shipping roads, …), for pensions, for research, for the health system, for safety (internal and external) etc.

If I want to place the web for free now, I have to either withdraw money from the existing posts or take more money from the citizens. There are now many items to which they would like to withdraw money, but that is not reasonable or even consensus among citizens. If we simply assume that every citizen would use the equivalent of a BC100 more per year, then, for example, local transport in everyday life would be free – but it was also paid in advance by an extra tax rate.

In the end, the services of the railway must be provided and that costs money. Whether the use-related is charged or a tax for all is the same.

Nothing gets cheaper when we take something out of the right pocket and put it in the left pocket.

On the other hand, a user-related bill (which is already subsidized) also allows to observe the quality of the offer (is more or less driven?). In addition, people value things for which they have actually paid, so it is avoided that the ÖPNV is perceived as a ramschware.

What should no longer be free of charge, however: Bordsteinparken. Here, a (hour/day) rent should be collected at the level of the rental income of the same property area to be achieved on the same area, because there is a hidden cross-subsidisation of the parking car traffic.

2 years ago

No. Where’s the money that comes in now, whether it’s going to thrive or not? From taxes? No, thanks.

Enough, there were arguments

The whole requires more vehicles to pick up sit a minimum of 5 years and


If you look at only 1 service and apply, it is either an absolute steel fan or an office. Our newcomers get a contract of the 2 years binding and automatically merges into an indefinite, out of which you will only get through the AMD (work medical service). )

That’s what I think, reihct to make clear that doesn’t work.

2 years ago

This is quite superior. The ÖPNV costs so much tax and public money that the fare cannot be met anyway. It can also be imagined to offer the free circulation. Of course, the service (i.e. cleanliness) should be granted anyway.

You’d be able to save all the control personnel. This is then available for other tasks

Then it would be an ECHTE alternative to individual traffic.

2 years ago

So the bare chaos grows out – already today the Öffis are well filled at certain times if they were free, the system collapsed. Apart from that, it is often possible to observe how much more passengers the Öffis have, hardly has it snowed…

2 years ago
Reply to  HugoHustensaft

It wouldn’t be. Control staff could provide better service.

2 years ago
Reply to  DerHans

What does this have to do with my answer?

2 years ago

It’s a great mischief! Transport companies would like to do this very much, for example by staggered times at school start etc., but there is so far extremely little movement. And even the sliding working hours have little influence on the professional traffic, in some cases they even increase, allow only the employees to work when it fits them, but do not prohibit the use of public transport in the main load time.

In trains there is much less room for manoeuvre due to the trains and the intercity of long-distance traffic.

2 years ago

The frequency of trains and buses could be regulated quite differently and thus distort the professional traffic. This also works in individual traffic through the sliding working hours.

2 years ago

Free is never something he would be financed through taxes. You can see that nothing like this is happening at the British NHS.

2 years ago
Reply to  corod

Transport will also beETZT for the most part, financed by taxes. So the difference wouldn’t be that big.

2 years ago

It has many advantages and disadvantages, in my opinion yes

2 years ago

There is no free PNV, but only one PNV paid to another.

You can make the ÖPNV free for me and give me a monthly ticket. I would be very happy about this 🙂

2 years ago

The homeless problem would be solved.

2 years ago

All life should be.

2 years ago


Unfortunately, the (still) cannot be implemented…

2 years ago

Who is to finance this? Then there are higher taxes.

2 years ago
Reply to  maja0403

By selling tickets, the ÖPNV also does not work cost-covering.

You have already calculated what this 9 € ticket actually costs. It would even be BILLIGER if for these 3 months the ÖPNV free would have been. Then TATCHING would also change people.

2 years ago
Reply to  DerHans

The ÖPNV is here in De in many regions. It can’t be that I need 20 minutes by car in a million city, with the ÖPNV regularly over 1 hour.

In addition, there are enough jobs where you can’t start with the ÖPNV because it just doesn’t match the working hours. Especially when, for example, in the nighttime ÖPNV would be needed, which is often not offered at all at the times.

Or totally inflexible deployment plans of the ÖPNV, where you feel like a herring in can during peak times. Under Corona anyway a NoGo.

I also see that with the free = cheaper. Only the administration of all is too expensive.

2 years ago

As long as this doesn’t happen, you don’t have to talk about the ÖPNV.

2 years ago

I wrote that you can organize the BESSER. A lot of staff would be released for other tasks.