Sollte ARD Plus kostenlos sein?
Immerhin wird es ja von unseren Rundfunkgebühren bezahlt.
Immerhin wird es ja von unseren Rundfunkgebühren bezahlt.
Moin zusammen, ich suche einen 55-65 Zoll Fernseher, der in etwas dunklerer Räumlichkeit ein sehr gutes Bild abliefert. Er sollte nicht mehr als 1000 Euro kosten und nach den heutigen Standarts 4K fähig sein. Er soll für das Filmegucken genutzt werden und eher selten, fast gar nicht, für das Gamen (60 Herz reichen). Habt ihr…
kennt ihr irgendwelche websites wo man kostenlos filme oder serien schauen kann? und die auch sicher sind
Hallo, ich besuche morgen einen Freund, und wir wollen bei ihm einen Film oder eine Serie auf Netflix gucken. Weil er kein Netflix hat, hätte ich mich einfach mit meinem Account angemeldet, ist ja nur einmalig…Also wir wollen uns den Account nicht teilen! Nur einmal dort benutzen. Da ich ja aber in seinem WLAN bin…
Frage sagt glaube alles
The offer ARD Plus is, as the name says, an additional offer that cannot be financed from the normal broadcasting fee. It offers series and films that are not allowed to be in the media library for a long time (the time of provision is limited by law). Therefore, the proceeds from the broadcasting fee were only purchased by the authors in accordance with licenses.
In order to be able to offer the series and films in ARD Plus on a variety of wishes from the audience, the corresponding rights must be re-acquired by the ARD. They may not be financed by the broadcasting fee. So you can only offer it through a free subscription. However, it is significantly cheaper than that of private providers because no new productions are offered here and no profit has to be made.
Why shouldn’t it be financed from the broadcasting fee? Then people who want to have digital pay for nothing.
Why – if they pay the plus package and want to see it they don’t pay for free.
If the extra money from the GEZ was illegally diverted, all would have to pay for it for free.
That’s why it’s okay
Because it is an additional offer that the countries are not responsible for and therefore cannot be financed with the broadcasting contribution.
First of all, the normal broadcasting fee must be paid for each apartment regardless of whether you actually use anything. This will only finance the normal programme. If you need something special then you have to pay extra for it. Your case is not because the one who looks ARD Plus is looking at normal ör programs. Besides, no one can check if you don’t use the normal program.
But why do the doubles have to pay? That’s unfair. If they only use the digital offer and don’t watch TV?
Why should this be financed by the public?
It would only be unnecessarily burdening the general public.
Those who want to have this service should of course pay extra for it.
The mediatics of public law
Otherwise, there is also service such as that make more for their money
The GEZ is abolished