Sollen meine Eltern die Salfeld installieren?
Ich hab jetzt einen PC bekommen. Auf dem Handy hab ich die Salfeld schon. Soll die auf dem PC auch installiert werden? Meine Mutter meinte es wäre besser. Was sollte sich an Einstellungen ändern? Roaming? Was meint ihr?
I find a child backup for PC and smartphone at 14-J. completely okay.
How quickly do you spend time with Tiktok, Instagram and Co? And the parental control of Salfeld can be set so that games, school, social media are independent. And if I can ask you, what makes it a sense, for example, if you have a lock on your phone for 2 hours and then make fun of your PC? 😉
Yes, that’s true
I’m wondering if you have any right to speak. Your mother will know what she’s doing. Or why do you ask for settings and roaming? This is “good thing” and usually kids have no influence on age-appropriate settings and time restrictions, or is that different to you?
Although my mother does not know yet
I don’t really have any influence on it
Yes, I recommend Salfeld for your own control for smartphone and PC. Otherwise you slide quickly into excessive user times or on unsuitable pages. Salfeld is very helpful.