Sollen Männer ihren Führerschein erst mit 26 bekommen?
So lautet die Frage für unsere Debatte.
Wir haben schon ein bisschen recherchiert, jedoch nur Pro Argumente gefunden. Da wir nicht wissen, für welche Seite wir eingeteilt werden, wollten wir fragen ob ihr Argumente für Contra habt. Ggf. auch welche, die nicht nur sagen, dass es ungerecht ist. 🙂
This would, of course, gradually drive the German economy into the collapse.
Men under the age of 26 account for about 13-15 % of the total population. A large proportion of this age group is in training, studying or volunteering and is not fully employed. Estimates suggest that about 30–40 % of men under 26 are employed. The labour productivity of this age group is also below average due to lower experience and often lower positions in the working life. Assuming that men under the age of 26 account for about 5-7 % of the workforce and their productivity is below average, their share of GDP could be about 3–5 % to be estimated. But this share would fall away at least half immediately if they could no longer swing. Thus, an unsustainable shrinking of the economy by 1.5 to 2.5 percent, without considering the consequences in detail.
And of these lower public budgets would of course have to higher Share flow in the strong expansion of the ÖPNV. In theory, it is possible to dismantle the subsidies to the car industry, which are not least in the form of infrastructure funds for the construction and maintenance of roads. In practice, however, the powerful autolobby would naturally prevent this, while at the same time massive political corruption The more funds intended for the ÖPNV would instead be redirected into meaningless, insanely overpriced prestige projects such as the money-burning facility Stuttgart21.
And of course, a large number of trainees and students are also commuting to their training and study places. Many of them would then have to choose other vocational training, commute with the ÖPNV, move, or be unemployed. As far as they cannot be chauffeured by the girlfriend – one of the few positive effects would be social shift of power to women. Also because companies and authorities would be forced to hire young women in jobs for which mobility is required – not least with the police.
However, this shift of power “from above” would be prescribed and not “from below” demanded. So social and political conflicts would result. It’s a natural law.
It would lead to a further shortage of the already limited study and training places in the conurbation centres and a further intensification of the housing crisis, while the opposite would occur in the country. This also has a clear gender imbalance. Only positive effect, it could counteract a little of the land curse, where an excess of women could arise.
But of course it means again Less social justice, because all these disadvantages can of course be compensated better, the richer the parents are.
(Do you already know that this is the only hard, resilient knowledge from the PISA studies? The only thing that they have really betrayed us about the German school system: The chances of success of German students at the German school are statistically all the better, the richer the parents are. But I’m swooping.)
Further economic consequences:
Decrease in car purchase in younger men, an important target group for vehicle manufacturers – reduction in demand for driving tests, driving schools and other services. Companies would have greater difficulty finding mobile young employees. This means higher wages and salaries. It is good for their recipients, but this is also accompanied by a reduced productivity. And of course, it also means higher unemployment and lower professional and general satisfaction among those affected.
Social consequences: Such a regulation would be perceived as discriminatory and would create legal challenges based on equality principles. Men could start studying, training or occupation later if they depend on a driving licence for certain activities. shift of independence and growth (e.g. later excerpt from home). All of this would, of course, drive masses of those affected into the arms of the Incel/Maskus and right-radical populists. The AfD’s immediate seizure of power would be secured and that would, of course, reverse everything (except the increased corruption and other beneficial consequences).
International isolation: Germany would be perceived internationally as a male-discriminating country, which would reduce its attractiveness for immigrants and businesses and thus further accelerate the demographic collapse of the pension system.
All in all this would be a massive, radical change in the status quo and social destabilization with radical consequences, and thus the exact opposite of what the German voter has expressed since the founding of the Federal Republic as his clear will:
Stability over everything.
It violates the law of equality.
Many depend on a car to get to work. Women, like men.
Revenues from taxes are falling.
The driving force sings as fewer cars are bought.
Thank you.
Here between men and women, there would be even more discriminatory than the QUots for executive jobs for women.
We have the gender equality in Germany.
However, I think I should both be allowed to purchase the driver’s license, after a simple psychological basic examination, at 16 years. Finally, the ÖPNV is in particular, and here one can easily differentiate a little, because the factual danger situation is well known, it is now very dangerous for girls.
Driving in the USA works from 16 years.
What did we have two days ago?
And why are these men doing this? Because there are women standing on this, even if they don’t admit it.
In addition, how much % of men are more frequent/heavy accidents in relation to their driving performance? Women finally like to let the men drive when it is somehow (no matter whether partner, father, colleagues, …), especially in unknown areas, which is an important factor why they are involved in less serious accidents.
My brother had a kiss at A1. Maximum speed of 80km/h. At some point, the bullshit was changed because it was too dangerous because trucks were constantly overtaken.
Guy. Family crates like the dt state they wish, have 210kW. And a smaller engine makes expensive. no sense and would increase consumption of lower recuperation. If drivers are not likely to drive this kind of thing, they could hardly gain practical experience, because you often need an extra vehicle for a lot of money only because of it and are usually not going to rent for starters.
On the one hand, with the mutual stimulation and on the other hand with the sustainability in which people are taken, especially when the ÖP(N)V sucks about time (or always).
It’s unfair. And this is several areas. This means that men don’t even have a free job choice because certain jobs fall away. For example: if a boy with 17 years dreams of becoming a truck driver, that will be nothing. Who wants to train him? A boy you can’t train? So this idea steals the boys and men’s lifetime!
Since the people are still under 18 years of training and the people would only get a glimpse at the age of 26.
What should logistics do if they don’t get offspring?
Why men? That would be unfair to men if women had everything.
Especially since the people at the age are still driving starters.
The only pro I see here is that the people with 26 are jealous as with 17. That’s it.
That would be discrimination.
Contra: This is completely out of handy considerations. If you live in the countryside, you need your own car or motorcycle. A minimum age of 17 or 18 is sometimes problematic in order to get to a higher level of education or training. In addition, it is absurd to neglect male youth. By the way, 60% of women’s speed limits are committed in D!
This is contrary to the Basic Law and is discriminatory. Just because a few people cannot behave, the whole society does not have to suffer. I also consider proposals such as performance regulation (similar to motorcycles) to be absolutely unnecessary. The problem is the driver and not the car.
Which article of the GG should that violate?
Why only men? if then this should apply to all…
I am opposed in principle. dear ne restriction on the performance of the cars, that would be more sensible…
What is a limitation of performance?
in nem other contribution was also mentioned why the one politician has suggested: because young men “often” are racing in ps strong cars and build serious accidents.
but then why limit the old one? you could also limit the performance. to 21 only cars with 100ps or something.
on the other side you can also shave with 100ps and jmd dead – just as you can do with 29. both solutions are therefore actually meaningless.
I didn’t say you were supposed to do it, so you don’t have to do it, and 120 ps are getting a lot of vehicles.
120 PS does not necessarily make it so much open…
In motorbikes, however, you have different driving licences which are not available in B driving licences in cars. Another driver’s license would be to be introduced by correct aborting.
the choice is more limited for 18 years, not to the benefit. You can also make 120ps from me – then the whole is much more open and then there are more than enough cars.
for motorcycles is also possible with the a2 note.
Under 100 hp there are not many BMWs, for example, if you want to buy a used car, then the selection is even more limited.
under 100 ne has quite large selection of vehicles and your personal feeling and taste has to do with it nix.
If you are not allowed to drive over 100 hp, you are already restricted to the selection. I found the acceleration at under 100 hp at no car I drove well. Personally, I don’t like a golf like that, and that would be too small.
Why? I drive in winter 75 ps….. where is the part? I come everywhere and even have quite low maintenance costs. what can I do with 150 or 300 ps more what my 75ps golf can’t do?
A power limit would also be a great disadvantage. Under 100 HP not much
just. So if I were going against the problem – and both of them aren’t really bringing 100%. and that would be the performance restriction…
Yes, many would also take a chance in terms of work and training
and also the old…
However, I would not take young people with the performance the opportunity to work on a job… with 100 ps you also get into work.
That is why it is pointless to limit the performance
It would be good if you had your pro-arguments naughty, because for me there are no pro-arguments or generally something sensual about this idea.
The pro arguments are that men from 18-26 often make illegal car races in the city and can cause accidents or even deaths, you can also read on the internet, there are articles about it
Young men don’t drive very often illegal car races. Only a small minority runs illegal races. Most of them drive neatly and reasonably. Those who drive illegal races also have no problem driving without a driver’s license. Thus, the problem is not solved, instead another has been caused.
You don’t think that would avoid a driving ban until 26 years of road races? The concept would not be legally valid, as —> equal right for all.
This question was just a few days ago…