Soll meinen Job wirklich hinschmeißen, und dafür mir mal 1 Jahr Auszeit nehmen, aber dafür auf kosten der Allgemeinheit leben?

Arbeite seit über 10 Jahren im selben Job ( Mc Donalds ;(, verdiene nur Mindestlohn, und die Arbeit macht mir auch keinen spaß mehr… Aber dann hätte ich wieder ein schlechtes gewissen den anderen Menschen gegenüber die für mich Arbeiten müssen, also was würdet ihr tun ?

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1 year ago

It’s not right to rest on others just because you don’t have a bump on your job anymore. You have in your own hand whether you deserve good or badly because you can make qualifications at any time to earn better!!!

Other people also torture each day to work because they need money! Do you think they were jack? (Of course you love his job, but that’s the least!)

Looking for a training that can improve your situation when you’ve finished it, brushing up the other one is not an option since every third certainly has the same problem and still drags down every day. And this one year is a lot of lost lifetime. Being unemployed for so long makes it all the more difficult to find something decent without qualifications

1 year ago

I would, instead, make an apprenticeship from which you can find qualifications and demand decent wages. Then you can regularly travel the whole world from your savings.

Unemployed people have to apply, they can’t make a journey around the world, otherwise they’ll be given the money.

1 year ago

to work for me, so what would you do?

Just take this into account and look for something else – as close as possible.

1 year ago

If you can afford it, do it.

1 year ago
Reply to  0815abergut

You don’t get a citizen’s allowance for yourself, but unemployment benefit = ALG1. This is an insurance and it is bound by strict rules.

You will be locked for the first twelve weeks.

https://www.unemployed benefit-1 claim/

1 year ago
Reply to  0815abergut

Well, if it makes you happy.

1 year ago

the JC is not there to compensate for this.

However, except for a limited 30% reduction in performance

1 year ago

Priority ALG1 – he risks the claim is not the JC to compensate. Only by an increase will he certainly not be able to live.

1 year ago

You don’t get a citizen’s allowance for yourself, but unemployment benefit = ALG1.

You can’t say that flat. Possibly, there was a claim for “increasing” citizens’ money.

1 year ago

What you do is rather an emergency solution for a certain time. That’s not a decent job you’re doing. You’ve been wasting a lot of life.

Didn’t you learn that you can only do such a job?

1 year ago

Then get yourself a new job. Because where you need less work and a little more pay.

If you don’t stop it, you can quit, but you can do a job right now. That’s 3 months off time. Otherwise you get used to it and get back to work.

1 year ago

I’d be looking for another job. After 10 years, almost every job becomes boring.

1 year ago

Looking for another job is not an option? I don’t understand.

1 year ago

what brings you? After that you’re broke and have no other perspectives. Why don’t you find a good job and enjoy living.