soll man Katzen waschen?

ich weiß das Katzen Wasser nicht mögen und man sie jetzt nicht in die Badewanne reinlegen soll oder so aber sollte man irgendwie sie mit Wasser waschen? oder Feucht Tücher oder so? ich habe eine britisch langhaar katze

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6 months ago


There are cats that like water very much, even in terms of breeds. And there are also cats that go from alone to a semi-finished bathtub, but these are absolute Exceptions.

bathing or washing your cat really needs only in case of emergency!

Cats are among the most pure animals as they invest a lot of time in their fur care.

A healthy cat cares daily, on average 2-3 hours her fur. In addition, the metabolism of the cat is also designed. You can support your cat in the care, in which you once comb or brush. With long hair breeds, however, you do not get around the daily brush to avoid, for example, felting.

Bathing means pure stress for holders and especially for the cat. The one cat runs away when it comes into contact with a full tub of water, a pond or even a puddle is quite natural. Cats are afraid, let’s say respect for water! The natural instinct warns the cat because the fur sucks quite quickly and also loses the protective function. Danger also lurks, bathtubs, rain tones or swimming pools, with their smooth edges not to offer a stop. The cat drowns, finds no hold and her full-sucked fur makes her immobile and the additional weight draws her down and because she also panicks there. The severity that brings a wet coat also impedes the cat when fleeing.

A cat body cools out faster when wet to the skin. Another problem of a full bath is the loss of your own body odor. Therefore, cats lick after a full bath, their fur noticeably long to restore the individual smell.

So nonsensical products such as dry shampoo, which is offered for cats, degreases the skin and lets the cat smell fresh. This, however, for the nose of man, not for the cat. The cat feels these strong, unnatural odours as disturbing. And constantly bathing with degreasing products, does not make the skin any more and leads to skin diseases.

It is not in the nature of a cat that it is brushed up by bathing, shampoo, water, perfumes and the same. Have you ever seen a tiger with curlers

Note: Save the hat. The image is edited, you only need to look at the ears of the chips. There was no cat for such a photo abuse!!



6 months ago

No if really bad dirty are where they don’t get themselves clean or diarrhea etc then damp lobes as a cat will help brush themselves and make the rest of themselves

6 months ago

Hello xuoys, 👋

should you wash cats?

😳 no!

I don’t like the cats water and you don’t want to put them in the bathtub or something, but should you wash them with water?


or damp cloths or something?


I have a british long hair cat

You can regularly comb and brush your cat.

LG 🙋🏻

6 months ago

Cats are washed only if it is absolutely necessary and other alternatives do not help, for example in a parasite attack that cannot be eliminated otherwise.
Long hair cats should be combed regularly so that the under wool does not become felt, otherwise the skin cannot breathe properly, it forms moisture and it favors various skin problems and infections.

6 months ago

No, except if they had diarrhea and the Po were stuck. You can brush the coat dry.

6 months ago

No, if it’s not medical. Clean yourself very well

6 months ago

No, please don’t. Unless she’s kind of landed in the mud. Otherwise, animals cultivate themselves. Her tongues are antiseptic.

6 months ago

Only in extreme emergency, otherwise

6 months ago

If they’re not so dirty that they can’t clean themselves, you shouldn’t wash cats.

6 months ago

Better not, they do it themselves.

6 months ago


6 months ago
