Soll man einer W18 helfen?
wenn sie schwer Luft bekommt?
wenn sie schwer Luft bekommt?
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Yes, of course, who needs acute help and who you can help should be helped by you
Yes, of course. All the other would probably have been left behind
But she’s 18 already? Would that be the way to fit it?
Are you stupid you killed deiene sister or why ask
Excuse me?
AHA why ask such
This is not a real situation
Was a guess who is it who on the street or family member?
Why is it? HAVE
Yeah, you should help every person… regardless of age. 😅😅
LG Maike
Yes, of course, or is that bad because she’s 18 already?
Why 18?
In principle, you should help people who are in need. If possible and feasible.
Details and context are missing here to say more.
You have to.
You’re not going to be absent assistance criminal.
And a W17?
Age doesn’t matter.
If someone gets bad air, you should or need to help.
The difficulty is to realize the cause
There is no reason to help her; This applies to absolutely every age!
From 18 you should help yourself. Frech Heit!
And 17?
And 16?
Sure. She’s not full yet and needs help.
It was important to me that you don’t care about yourself!
Sorry. I often read to whom the comment goes but I know you’re going. One of our disturbed.
That was red-eared salad. Among various answers concerning age, the FS comments “And with 17?”, “And with 16?”, etc.
Yeah, sure, even if it were a w50
And M80?
Of course!
If you don’t do it, you end up in jail for a lack of help.
And at a W17?
Everyone knows that doctors don’t care for anyone over 18. Please, at some point you should be self-employed.
From w1 to w150 you should help if the person does not get air
And a W2 month?
Yes, but carefully
Wow, you’re really the Knaller.
In KIGA there are no 2 months old babies
Help can simply call rescue. First aid can already make another passerby
Consider training if you don’t know.
At 2 months should be more careful than at W1?
And you want to work with little kids if you don’t even know why you should be careful with such little beings?
If she needs some, yes
The correct help is to call the doctor.
And then watch while suffocating or
What are you gonna do? I’m interested in burning.
In the concrete case, probably the psychiatrist!
Stupid jelly without any substance 🤷 ♀️
Only in this specific case 😉
I have never met this in 15 years
You seem to be an excessive troll hunter. Also a task 😉
You can choose the emergency call and they can tell you what to do. And if someone has air shortage because he swallowed up, you can help him (even without medication).
If you don’t know our court fool and question world champion yet, it’s not my problem. But here a little reading for you:
Yes, I’d rather watch than try. Thanks for the tip
At Luftnot it becomes exciting which approaches you have. Most of the situations can only be eliminated by medicament.
First aid? The course is not for free
Like W18’s sniffing with the new profile, she seems to get enough air!
Why says?
And W17?
If you don’t do it, you’re punishable.
And at a W17?
It doesn’t matter how old the person is.
You want me to help you if you get some air? Depending on what you think, do it.
Dont feed the Troll!