Soll man die Nudeln mit einem Topf oder Sieb ausspülen?
Wie macht ihr es?
Wie macht ihr es?
Habe ein Teller aus 60% NATURFASERN & 40% MELAMINE mit Popcorn in der Mikrowelle zu lange erhitzt. Beim öffnen der Mikrowelle stießen mir die beißenden Dämpfe in Augen, die anfingen sofort an stark zu brennen. Auch eingeatmet hatte ich sie, und es war wie giftiger Rauch 😟😳. Wie Schlimm ist das?
Ich Stelle wahrscheinlich zu viele Fragen, aber ich hätte meine Fragen trotzdem gerne beantwortet. Ich habe oft in Büchern und im Internet geguckt, aber irgendwie sehe ich immer wieder die selben Rezepte und nichts neues was man ausprobieren kann. Deswegen hoffe ich darauf das hier ein paar ältere Personen sind die Koch Erfahrung haben und…
Hey, do you have any ideas? I wanted to cook/bake something for my mom's upcoming birthday. It should be savory, but also sweet at the same time.
Hallo, ich mache am Donnerstag ein Halloween Essen mit Freunden. Als Hauptspeise gibt es Spaghetti Bolognese, da sich das alle gewünscht haben. Nun bräuchte ich Ideen für Beilage, Vorspeise und Nachspeisen und vielleicht habt ihr generell Ideen zu Deko und evt. Spielen?
What do you mean “rinse”?
I pour them into a sieve after cooking, drop them off and then mix them with the sauce immediately. This is the only way the sauce adheres to it. No rinsing with cold water!
If I want to remove some of the noodles for the next or the next day, I’ll add some olive oil so that they won’t stick to each other. Only when they are cooled I give them in a pot in the refrigerator.
I’m not flushed out or quenched.
I give it right after cooking into a large sieve and after the water has expired, I will swing/lubble the contents in the sieve a little until no residual water drops.
Then I let the still hot noodles/spaghetti slide directly out of the screen onto the plate.
OK, sometimes I skip this step and give the noodles in a single portion directly into the pot with the sauce prepared in a suitable amount and thereby save me the washing off of an additional plate. :
I don’t rinse noodles.
Just pour, in a sieve, but not rinse
Neither do I, and an Italian doesn’t. This unfit is still coming from our mothers and grandmothers. They will only be rinsed if you want to make noodle salad from it.
Not even for noodle salad I would come up with this idea!
Noodles are not washed out at all – only exception if you want to make a salad from the noodles.
Ready cooked noodles are either added to the sauce (e.g. Bolognese) or poured into a sieve so that they can drain. Never quench with cold water.
Tilt with the pot or with the screen. It’s different.
seven and then back into the pot
Don’t rinse!
I’ll drop them in the sieve and tilt them back into the pot… Immediately before serving, I add a little bit of the hot-salt water and swing it in. Then immediately add to the plates and pour over with the sauce.
I’ll pour the noodle water through a sieve. Noodles are not flushed out with me.
I’ll cook them in the sieve, then take them out and quench them with cold water if you want to eat them again later. Thus, the cooking process stops.
Best mix with the noodle sauce (without cold quenching!)
I told you. You don’t have to scare noodles….. only if you cook more noodles
But when both are heated together
if you add oil to the remaining amount, they will no longer absorb any sauce.
Remove even better with white wine
I’d rather take butter or oil, but everyone can do it as he wants. For example, I’ll be caramelizing carrots with onions and with sugar.
I like the taste of olive oil. I also cook almost every noodle sauce with olive oil.
Yes I do, but normal oil, otherwise it tastes too penetrant
And then I won’t. I’ll give some olive oil to the rest so they won’t stick together.
do not rinse, otherwise the sauce does not stick
the one I want to lift, I rinse in a cold blow, so that they cool as quickly as possible.
the part to eat immediately I draw directly from the noodle water into the sauce.
if you eat the noodles the same, you do not pour them off, but you draw them from the water into the sauce.
So I’d say I don’t give it to GAR.
pour pasta from the pot into a sieve, pour briefly cold and back into the pot.
You should leave it with the cold, otherwise the sauce will no longer hold properly.
Don’t be afraid!