Soll ich zu dem Jobcenter fragen, ob ich zur Vhs (Spanisch Kurs) gehen kann?
Hallo, ich suche Ausbildung habe keine gefunden. Ich möchte Spanisch lernen bei Vhs und selbst zahlen, soll ich es Jobcenter mitteilen? Weil ich diese Sprache als Hobby erlernen möchte
As long as you remain available to the labour market despite the course, the job center has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, I’m sorry, they won’t pay a course like that. For their useless employment therapies, which are much more expensive.
It is more likely to do with learning Spanish not as a professional integration, but as a leisure pleasure for the FS:)
It may be, but still it could do something professionally. In any case, it is more sensible than a large part of the “courses” of the employment office.
You don’t have to ask, just go. As long as you don’t want to get paid.