Soll ich Paragraphen auswendig lernen? (JURA)?
Leute ich hab eine Jura Klausur in meinem WIRTSCHAFTSSTUDIUM😖 Das ist ein JURA Modul, der Professor wird uns das nicht leicht machen
Sollte ich paar Paragraphen stumpf auswendig lernen um die Anspruchsgrundlage im Notfall durchzublättern? Hab echt Angst NICHTS zu checken, fast die gesamte Prüfung basiert auf den Fall😖
Was soll ich tun
Learning is not everything and is not always required. I have to have certain definitions in my law studies and also certain standard chains should be able to (be quicker with the exam) or you can still know where it is. Of course, it is also very important to understand the whole thing / to understand the systematic! The law is an aid, like a formula collection.
Laws are often logically structured. You can check keywords at the back.
No. Nobody expects you to memorize any paragraphs. Much more important is that you know a) where you need to look, and b) that you basically understand the systematics. These are the things you can’t solve with “a little googles”.
No. This will also be expected by no one and you will be given a bill.
It helps to roughly know what paragraph you need to look at, but those memorized certainly did not have to learn.
There are files for facts!
Old law. You don’t notice anything, you’re going to beat everything. Anyone who wants to learn all laws by heart will be mistaken or already. That’s not enough for a turtle life.
If you’re not able to do the right thing, you won’t pack your studies.
so know about where it is always helpful so you don’t waste extra time in the directory
I will still Latin in the middle of fall zb that the contract ex tunc is effective and then 1.0🤤
Latin always in (”XY”) not forget 👍🏼
and work with the sentences from the law break, copy it as it stands. the correctors want to see that you work with the law and don’t blame what writes down yourself
And how can this be compatible with §184 GVG, according to which the court language is German and not German and Latin?
You may think that’s correct. I’ve seen hundreds of complaints and judgments. And not in one such brackets and quotations were set.
According to the language rules, this is also wrong. Only a personal splice of any professor. At the level of gender.
Correctly it must be set in brackets or quotation marks
Bullshit. Latin language is everywhere in the text of the tile without a distinction. If one knows (yet) at all.
In Austria
where are you studying?
ah these are only small things, if you don’t do that, you’ll definitely not get a point, maybe only in a bad corrector
You’re very complicated
yes, either in brackets or quotation marks, since according to §184 GVG the court language is German. Also, a Latin term does not replace the justification, it must be emphasised.
What do you have to do in Germany?
Just learn where it is. You do that with all the required paragraphs. I helped (online) maps.
Learning paragraphs by heart is meaningless.
So make markers to the most important ones you need in the law books.
So you better see where it’s about what you’re looking for