Soll ich offen direkt sagen,oder lieber ausreden fürs nicht trinken suchen?

ich bin n momentan auf einem Campingplatz ,am Samstag bin ich eingeladen,da wird getrunken

meine Frage wäre jetzt

wenn mir Alkohol angeboten wird,soll ich am besten kurz und knapp sagen „nein danke ich bin trockene alkoholikerin „ und damit ist die Sache direkt vom Tisch oder soll ich einfach „nein danke ich möchte nicht „ sagen,laufe aber der Gefahr entgegen und sie fragen mich dann immer wieder und irgendwann sag ich vielleicht „ja ein Glas ist kein Glas „

wie macht ihr das in solchen Situationen?

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8 months ago


I’m old enough to know a few people in your situation in my environment. And I have great respect for them. It is not self-evident, but an achievement to create, to become dry and to remain. I mean, this is also the view of most people I know. Those who oppose you because of this, you can catch them anyway.

That’s why you could, I think, speak openly. That’s how many keep it. Maybe you’re doing something more curious about this openness and have to deal with it.

But I find your alternative set “I don’t want” too weak. He would just provoke some debes to talk about you. If you don’t want to outdo this, you still have to formulate it very definitely, such as “I don’t drink alcohol” or “I can’t drink alcohol” – which also corresponds to the truth, but can have various causes. This also naturally produces curiosity, but you are a little more distant and can still decide whether or not you want to talk about the reason. I have an acquaintance who has repeatedly explained on various occasions that he never drinks alcohol, and I have never seen him do that. We understand each other well and know each other for a few years, but there was never a reason that I would have experienced the reason.

That’s it.

It’s good that you’re thinking ahead of you, and it’s very important that you get a deal that suits you!

I wish you all the best!

8 months ago

I think it’s better to be honest.

8 months ago


You can also answer honestly without people who do not know you well understand what your answer means:

“No thanks, I’ve been drinking enough!”

8 months ago

I don’t drink alcohol.

That must be enough and every depp should understand.

8 months ago

It is more courage to say “no” than “true” against his own conviction with others, only to not be a weak person. And that’s exactly what I’d say to penetrant providers.

8 months ago

You could also just say, ” Alcohol does not get involved with my medication.” That is to be accepted.

8 months ago

I’m pain-free and I’m not saying I’m drinking. If that’s not enough, and there’ll be requests, I’ll say that I don’t drink because I’m gonna break the celebration because I can’t handle alcohol.

Depending on people, where much is drunk is a non-trinker eh a disturbing factor.

If I’m dealing with people I’m meeting more often, I’ll tell you what’s up.

I don’t have to tie this to every stranger.

8 months ago

say you don’t want to drink alcohol anymore that they get it and don’t ask again