Soll ich nicht glücklich sein?
In der Schule lern ich immer sau viel aber ich schreibe schlechte Noten obwohl ich zuhause alles kann . Wenn ich was schreibe hab ich oft ein gutes Gefühl trotzdem schlechte Note
Wenn ich gut gelaunt bin werde ich immer von wem angeschissen. Immer , wenn ich schlecht laune hab passiert das nicht
Wenn bei mir eine Sache gut ist, sind 100 schlecht
Oder hier: wenn ich mich traue eine Frage zu stellen werde ich immer gemobbt . Wenn ich mich wehre soll ich den Stress angefangen haben .
es geht immer jeder gegen mich . Wenn ich das sage wird es abgestritten oder ich soll selbst schuld sein
Niemand mag mich niemand braucht mich niemand hat Respekt
Hello FanFarenHeini,
Here are some tips that can be very effective with more moderate forms of bullying:
Try to stay calm. If you stay calm and calm, take the wind out of the sails. He no longer offers him an attack area, as his harassments lead to the void.
When you openly show your feelings to the mobber, you are similarly unprotected, as in ancient times a city without walls – a light prey for every enemy. But whoever keeps his feelings in his heart is equally unacceptable to the Mobber. Of course, this is easier than it is and requires a lot of self-control.
Take the retreat when it gets dangerous. It is always the best to avoid situations where the Mobber has a light game. This is not the motto “The attack is the best defense” but the retreat. This has nothing to do with cowardice, but rather with wisdom.
Attempts to clear the matter with persistent bullying. Sometimes it is not possible to avoid confronting the Mobber and to tell him with a firm voice that you don’t like his behavior at all, that it is not funny and it hurts you. However, it is very important not to be challenged or offensive.
Definitely find a conversation with a responsible adult (e.g. a teacher and/or your parents). It would be good to explain exactly your situation and ask him for support. Probably there is a school psychologist you could turn to.
In addition, you could join the children’s protection association under the phone number 0800 / 1110333 from Monday to Friday from 14.00 to 20.00. There is also a phone number where your parents can get support: 0800 / 1110550 .
When it comes to stubborn bulls, you should not hesitate to get help and support quickly. The bullying is usually not finished alone, at least in lighter forms of bullying.
If you believe in God, please remember: He understands exactly what people are going through and they are not indifferent to him. A Bible writer explained:
“But I drew my attention to all the acts of oppression committed under the sun. I saw the oppressed cry and no one comforted her. No one comforted them and the oppressors had the power” (Prediger 4:1).
So you see that people used to suffer from harassment and humiliation. But God sees not only those who suffer, but is also ready to help them. Here, for example:
“He will suffer with the disadvantaged and the poor and the lives of the poor he will save. From oppression and violence he will free them and their blood will be precious in his eyes “(Psalm 72:12-14).
This promise also includes those affected by bullying and other injustices.
I wish you to find a way to finish the bullying and you can breathe up soon more easily! All good and great strength!
LG Philipp
Your problem: You make your happiness dependent on external circumstances.
You could try “thank you to yourself.” Thanksable for beautiful moments and things – even if they still seem so insignificant.
Instead of relying on your sense of grades, you might consider whether another learning strategy would not be better for you.
I’m always with a “neutral” feeling of class work and test ran.
If a good result came out, I was happy and at a bad time, I was just upset about it.
That’s what it was.
It’s a nice thing to come back to Iso a spast and pull me down…
What learning strategy… if I can do anything right at home…
At home you are not exposed to the same situation as at school.
Your brain seems to be in stress (unconscious).
A stressed brain can call learning worse.
Maybe you should generally change your mind – and surround yourself (possibly) – with the people who don’t pull you down.
Can also be someone outside school.
What do you mean? You’re all right? What do you think? You’re a poor dripping on which everyone is chopping around? Everybody out there is the same! You’ll always be kicked, but you can’t let yourself get under. Life is not a sugar tasting, no one has said it’s all easy. You can crumble yourself into self-pity and think: “Why always I?” or you can start living, no matter what happens, get up! Let’s go!
I think you’re still young and can do that. Just think more often: I don’t know. My thing, my life and no matter if it doesn’t happen. It’ll be fine sometime.
nee, I think it’s so many, but I’m one of the few of them opening up my mouth. that’s how people are and they like it
Then you have more respect for yourself. Always be sure about everything you decide – what you say, do and think! Then you know you’re right. Then everything from outside can no longer touch you. Then you’re resistant.
At school you can report a lot, participate actively in the class. Ask questions, answer questions. Then you show that you know everything. Then your notes will be very good.
It’s a good mood. What are you doing wrong that you’re being sucked? And now don’t say lapidar “I don’t know.” Go into you and reflect on how you feel. Something’s wrong.
Analyze the 100 things that are bad. What’s wrong? You will have to do this work to change something positive.
Only someone who occurs as a victim is sampled. Are you confident? If not, change that.
It’s your attitude. It’s not all the other guilt. You are responsible for your feeling. No one else
My attitude is that I am always and everywhere to blame 😅 that is safe also against wrong …
You put yourself in the sacrificial role. Don’t cry around, just question his own behavior. If you get similar reactions from so many different people, it’s up to you. This is not a question of blame
Do you feel in your sacrificial role? Go to the psychologist. The gap between self-image and foreign image is often gigantic.