Soll ich ne Nerventrennung dazu machen lassen wegen sb?
Meine Eltern hatten eh schon geplant mich zu beschneiden lassen aber ich hab jetzt von nem freund gehört das man sich da die Nerven zurzeit Eichel trennen lassen kann damit man nicht mehr wichsen kann und das wär halt sehr gut für mich weil ich min 5mal an Tag mach
That would be a fucking idea. Self-satisfaction belongs to a healthy sex life and a healthy sex life is part of our existence. Apart from this, regular ejaculation is also an important part of providing cancer to prostate and testicles and self-satisfaction is a prerequisite for the necessary competence to live a fulfilling sexuality in the partnership.
Even if you don’t have to do this 5 times a day — you will You’ll get back sometime when you get older. In addition, the attempt to minimize your orgasmic ability would not only be limited to masturbating, but would probably also have devastating consequences for sexual life in the partnership and thus also for the other person in a partnership.
Your consideration sounds more like you could need therapeutic help in relation to sexuality in general and specifically to your sexuality.
That’s all said!
The stupidest idea I’ve ever heard. That would really be a mutilation, unlike a circumcision. It does not help againstSB. If you still get your life and school on the role, 5 times is not too much. That’s what’s going on.
I have been trimmed with 13 and in the years after that I have often made 3-5 times SB a day.
After the circumcision, you will first give up for 14 days on sb, and then you realize that you can survive without sb
Why do you want to mutilate? 5x a day SB? What’s wrong with that? Don’t you feel beautiful and lustful? Enjoy it. Less it will be by itself during your life. And sex helps to keep your body healthy.
Sorry, but you should never do this out of a mood.
Wait for the first time, how much feeling you already lose through circumcision. With me, this has changed the SB behavior from 5x a day to 1-2x a week.
Apart from that, I doubt that reputable doctors carry out such an intervention in a minor. You can probably not yet give effective consent and your parents are not (is something completely different from what §1631d provides)
Can’t imagine that would really make a doctor if that would be a case for a psychologist.
Rather for the psychiatrist, because only he is a doctor.
Not more. Let your parents plan, talk to them, support them, but no more. Often such dates are placed in the summer holidays. If she’s planning, I’d let her plan run like that and not anymore. Your parents do.
I’d let it be, after that it’s reused.
You’re when I’ve read correctly 14, so you’re still in puberty.
The frequent SB will change in the course of life.
Why would you do that? Less SB is just as possible if it bothers you. Severing the nerves, on the other hand, is final and ensures that you would not feel any more at sex later. Therefore, I would warn against and betray
If there is no medical reason, I wouldn’t let myself be cut. And don’t separate any nerves anyway.
I’m sure it won’t be a doctor.
Then your acorn is deaf forever.
Okay. I thought about it, but without feeling there, would not be nice either.
However, if you are trimmed, your SB will certainly be greatly reduced. Certainly not immediately, but over time.
It’s badly possible to jump quickly.
I don’t see that from my experience.
What are your experiences?
I was circumcised as a child for medical reasons and have no disadvantage at all. It works fine.
If your parents want you to be circumcised, why then this stupid idea of nerve separation. What for?? It won’t be a doctor. Listen to the doctor as to friends who can be wrong.
I hope there is no serious doctor in Germany who has such a nonsense.
You can determine yourself if you want to be cut. Just noticed at the edge.
Jein, as long as the questioner is not 18, parents must give their consent to each surgery.
I’m more concerned that they can’t force him to do that. The question shows that this is not his idea.
Why do your parents want to cut you that you have to decide