Soll ich mir einen neuen Computer kaufen und wozu?
Manchmal denke ich über den Luxuskauf eines neuen Computers nach, mit einer ganz tollen Grafikkarte und mehr Arbeitsspeicher, doch wiederum frage ich mich auch wieder wozu, da mein jetziger Computer mit “Linux Mint” einfach völlig stabil funktioniert.
Auch eine neue Videospielkonsole kann interessant sein, wie etwa eine “XBox”, wo jedoch keine “VR”- Inhalte unterstützt werden, was mich bei heutigen Geräten etwas stutzig macht. Natürlich, braucht kein Mensch, aber Kinder mögen solche Geräte und ich bin nun mal ein Kinderfreund. Gut, ich muss Kinder nicht dauernd um mich herum haben, vielleicht meine ich auch anständige und ruhige Kinder, aber dass man mit einer neuen “Xbox”- Konsole kein “VR” anschauen kann, verstehe ich nicht. Und wie ist das mit der “Meta Quest 3”? Warum kann man da nicht auf eigene Dateien von “USB- Stick” zugreifen, bei der “Pico 4” geht das. Mich interessiert derzeit in Sachen “Neuer Computer” und “Videospiele/ und VR- Geräte” die “Pico 4” wohl am meisten. Lohnt sich der Kauf?
Hier mein “Desktop”, bzw. bei “Linux Mint” der “Schreibtisch”. Ein konfortabler Computer, der mich nur ca. 70 Euro kostete und eine sehr hohe Leistung bietet, also “16 GB Ram”, “Geforce 750 ti- Grafikkarte”, “Pentium i5- Prozessor” usw.:
Eine neue Spielekonsole, welche Besser ist als die “Playstation 4”, konnte ich nicht finden, denn auch bei der “Playstation 5” kann man keine Ordner im Hauptmenü erstellen, auf der “Playstation 4” jedoch schon.
Hier mein “Hauptmenü” bei der “Playstation 4”, mit grafischer Hochleistung der Videospiele, trotz dass ich die Grafik auf “480p” umstellte (Mit “100Mbits WLan”):
Eigentlich genügt ja “Playstation 4- VR”, ich bin immer wieder von dieser hohen Leistung dieser “VR- Brille” beeindruckt, aber eine “Pico 4” ist für einen Stubenhocker wie mich dennoch ein Grund für einen Kauf, kostet auch nicht all zu viel.
Und lohnt sich “Windows” nun überhaupt noch, oder zumindest ab “Windows 12” wieder?
You seem happy with your PC, then nothing changes. VR is also just an advertising term, less that is really zoomed with it. If you want to shock, then with an Xbox of the current generation. Best regards
Well, I’ll buy a “Pico 4” and maybe I’ll move back to “Windows 10”.
I have to work with “Windows 10”, the “Linux Mint” didn’t work tonight. Great.
All right, I’ve just been inquired and since I’m interested in such “VR devices”, I’m buying a “Pico 4”. I take it very carefully with reliable offers and look forward to these programs. But we still have to wait for one interference factor of the “playstation 5”.
Well, so I think that a “VR glasses” like “Pico 4” are already worth it, there is a serious response in the end, but at “Playstation 5” one is currently doubting that the company seems to be serious and want to share that aspect of not wanting to devote itself to anarchist attitude. This sounds like something similar, but we would like to wait for it to see if there are any misunderstandings to be found, i.e. only with reference to a youthful and, above all, unnecessary disturbance to rest. Action and much more is, of course, very common and doesn’t have to be called, but in the smell of speculative anarcho students, the cot comes up to me. It would sometimes be very good if you just let someone say the word, the foreigners out there aren’t as stupid as we are.
Yes last night, really creepy. The “Linux Mint” suddenly had completely sharp graphic errors and after the launch of the “Linux” everything remained in a photo with the “Internet browser” where you saw such very obviously dubious students in a school class of school benches big visible. I didn’t photograph it, because of course I already knew what it was about and that you think it was a crisp snack of myself. But with “Windows 10” everything works again. At the “Playstation 4” everything works, such as the game “Mafia 3”, with this actually good-natured, black protagonist, who was forced to be ashamed of deeds and was at some point with the panel. Sandra’s husband thought he was a Ganoven at that time, but the serious diligence this black protagonist led to a close friendship.
What’s wrong? Thank you
If you’re a Linux user, I’d buy a 2080 Ti at most.
With this you can modden on Linux vGPU and thus have native drivers in a Windows VM.
Then you don’t have to give the shit Microsoft patches every month.
Or you take an AMD GPU, and can cock the games directly without VM.
Maybe I should move back to “Windows 10”, so I didn’t have any trouble and you can also increase the memory when switching the graphics and various programs. Maybe I should consider that, I have such a feeling.
Yes, after a clear response, I realized I had to return to “Windows 10”. I just download Windows 10 from the official website.
I won’t buy a “Playstation 5.” I don’t know exactly how this goes on with these today’s video games, but I see too many student futzis there, which is a lot too good with absolute certainty and this is a point with those people I’ve noticed.
“Linux Mint” totally spinned and everything fror at a student photo from the Internet, with unhappy looking students. Even when I turned on the computer and switched on again, everything flashed full of graphics errors at the “Linux Mint” start and this frozen photo with these unsympathetic three-looking students could be seen again. Now I installed “Windows 10” on the formatted hard drive and everything works very well. I still had my “USB stick” with my files, but some work I had not saved and are now gone. But all the important Windows programs work quite normal again.
You need to know that yourself!?
Possibly, msn should really schleunigst once again cancel the cannabis legalization since the lawn cut has been legalized, people seem to be mentally reduced daily.
For “THC” I don’t have nerves, I just like to drink one, from “THC” you get anxiety that you shouldn’t underestimate. But no matter, I can’t understand young people anyway.