Soll ich mich gegen Gebärmutterhalskrebs impfen lassen?

Soll ich mich impfen lassen? Ist es sinnvoll, auch wenn man schon Sex hatte (ohne Kondom)? Bin weiblich und jünger als 18.

Ich hoffe, jemand kann mir helfen und weiß dazu etwas.

Umfrage ist zur Frage: Soll ich mich dagegen impfen lassen?

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2 years ago

Hello, HPV vaccination should be done ideally before the first intercourse. But even after the first sex, unimpeded girls or boys can still be vaccinated against HPV. Even if an HPV infection with one or more HPV types has already occurred, the vaccination can still provide protection against the other HPV types contained in the respective vaccine with which one has not yet been infected. The sooner the vaccination is retrieved, the better.

HPV vaccination allows you to prevent certain HPV-related diseases such as cervical cancer or genital warts. For a final decision, however, you should always ask your doctor or doctor for advice. Love

2 years ago

Do you want me to vaccinate cervical cancer?

Here are the results of a recent Cochrane review that analysed 26 studies in which the effectiveness and safety of HPV vaccination had been investigated:

“In the case of girls and women who have never been infected with HPV 16 and HPV 18, the risk for the dangerous precursor of cervical cancer called CIN2+ decreased from 164 per 10,000 to 2 per 10,000.”

This means the risk of getting one of the dangerous precursors from cervical cancer without HPV vaccination is over 80 times higher without vaccination than with vaccination.

“For the more dangerous precursor CIN3+, the risk decreased from 70 to 0 per 10,000.”

This means the risk of getting one of the more dangerous precursors from cervical cancer without HPV vaccination reduced by vaccination from 70 to 0 persons.

Source: vaccination-bei-maedchen-laut-cochrane-review-safe-und-effective/

It makes sense even if you had sex



2 years ago

To the end of the 18th It is recommended to have HPV vaccination done for years. She is recommended for boys and girls, actually at the age of 9-14 years.

Even later, it can still be useful and thus of course also after the first sexual contact. I would discuss this with the doctor of my trust and give me advice.

2 years ago

Vaccination is recommended between 9 and 14 years. If you still don’t have it, you should go after it. By the way, contraception with condom is a very effective protection against pregnancy, but not against HPV viruses.

2 years ago

Before testing for Hpv. If there is no evidence, let inoculation.

2 years ago
Reply to  ItsnotAdream

Shouldn’t cost anything. If you’re not under 14 years old, just go to the doctor and explain your concern to him. When you’re 16 And older, he won’t even ask if it’s spoken to your parents… my guess. And yes, there is a medical obligation to remain silent. Even to parents.


2 years ago

Let yourself be advised by a female doctor or a female doctor.

This vaccination came too late for me. When she was admitted, I was almost 50 years old.

2 years ago

Even if there is no vaccination against cervical cancer. against HPV.

2 years ago

Yeah, you should. is very important

2 years ago

If you often have sex and think you need it, you can do it. If you don’t have a GV, it’s quite meaningless.

2 years ago

Of course. This is the only vaccination that exists against a type of cancer – you should of course use it.