Soll ich meinen K-Pop Idol Traum aufgeben?

Hi, ich bin 14 Jahre alt und will gerne K-Pop Idol werden. Momentan Zweifel ich daran, dass ich es schaffen werde. Ich bin nicht asiatisch, sehe aber asiatisch aus und ich wurde schon mehrmals gefragt ob ich aus Asien komme. Ich kann wirklich sehr gut tanzen, singen kann ich auch gut. Koreanisch und Englisch kann ich fließend sprechen und gut lesen. Dennoch glaube ich dass ich nicht angenommen werde, weil ich nicht asiatisch bin und es werden ja viele Menschen die asiatisch/Koreanisch sind täglich von Entertainments abgelehnt.
Ich würde mich sehr über Antworten freuen

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8 months ago

Sometimes dreams are just dreams. This dream has little to do with reality or with any chances.

People who want to become Idol are like sand by the sea, you will not wait for the person that you need to import from Germany as cumbersome and that do not correspond to the current beauty ideal.

In addition, I would really question the flowing language skills without Korean family backgrounds at the age if one considers that it takes up to a flowing level at a minimum of 3 years (for language talented people) with great efforts.

4 months ago
  1. You know that Asia is a continent and people look different? So, “You look Asian” ≢, you look Korean”
  2. Many young Koreans are starting to train hard at the age of 4 to 9 years. So the probability is that an agency for jmnd. Decisive, the unskilled is very low. The competition is very big.
  3. It doesn’t matter how you look or what people think you are. There are already POCs that are on the move in the K-pop scene. Here count your talents, added you have to look discreet, otherwise it doesn’t matter.
8 months ago

There have already been cases where non-Asian have debuted as Kpop Idols. But if your girlfriend continues to train hard and the skills definitely improved and really really really believes in creating it, she would be good enough to be Kpop Idol. But then there is this problem with their nation. But hard to train and believe in it, your girlfriend should start later. Because she still has to consider if she really wants to be Kpop Idol. Sure to become famous as an artist:in is an unrealistic dream and many would recommend to your Freud not to do it even if it were asian

I can also understand why many recommend not to do it:

  • Kpop Idol/Trainee, can make you sick or stress a lot
  • They send on unhealthy diets
  • You can see your family less
  • You are very busy
  • You can experience much less

If a dream will only burden its future, you should give up unfortunately. But sometimes it hurts to know that you give up your dream, because some feel like a failure(what is wrong!)

Your girlfriend has to answer these questions honestly before giving up:

  • Is her dream really her dream? Or isn’t it what she really wants?
  • Is your goal still important? You can change your mind without even realizing it
  • Check whether she has come closer to her dream in the future
  • Is it unlikely to make it?
  • Does she suffer under tension or exhaustion?
  • Is she ready to do this?
8 months ago

Yeah, it won’t.

8 months ago
Reply to  87265252

8 months ago
Reply to  Juergen1970F95

No, because I know how the industry works and you should not give false hopes.

8 months ago

Swallow Swallow

8 months ago

Then we agree. Great. 👍

8 months ago


8 months ago

You better focus on what you can. Keep improving. Why do you want to pick up some so-called Idoles? And do you really want that? Life in public? Being idol often doesn’t mean you can do something. Just in such a fashion-oriented industry, you can be a star, and two years later will be forgotten. At the age, many people want to become a star. Why? With what goal? Be famous? And share his private life with the whole world? Sry, I rarely say that, but these are false ideas and bad dreams. As I said, focus on their own skills and establish contacts. And when you get there and you want it, it’s good. But don’t try to force anything! What do you think was how many guys at the age of 7 wanted to become a football star? 99.95% won’t be! Many of them have reopened the project two years later!

8 months ago

Nevertheless, I do not think I will be accepted because I am not asian

So DAS should not play a role as a reason for your desire. Yes, your chance to debut as Idol is low. This applies in principle to all candidates, whether Korean or not. It is necessary to be able to clarify this and to deal with the rejection. On the other hand, if you don’t even try it, you might get angry later.

Other reasons should be considered here. As Idol you are a public person with all the disadvantages and both training and career as Idol are extremely demanding. You have to bring a lot of discipline, stamina and also competitiveness and that in a foreign environment. Better reflect on it and set you up a back-up strategy.

7 months ago

I don’t know, I don’t want to judge you like that. I don’t know what it would be like: have dark blonde hair, blue eyes, look European and love Kpop and so but dance, singing and Korean 🤗 😬 that’s why even if there’s nothing you’ll hear you very talented and cool about that you can do all! Would certainly also find something else professional what makes you fun and you can achieve better 🤷 ♀️👍

8 months ago

To compete without Plan B, the chances that you make a career as a musician are just too bad.

This has nothing to do with the fact that you don’t have enough talent or something, but simply that there are only a few who can succeed in the businiess, especially in the long term.

You don’t have to give up your dream, but you should subordinate it to a “normal” career. Whether you transfer cables or pipes, sell insurances, change in hospital associations, teach mathematics, sorgst for law and order etc, you can also make music next door.

Lg, Anna

8 months ago


8 months ago

You or your girlfriend can make it, there are also cultural groups like e.g. B dream academy.

8 months ago

It’s your “I’m not Asian” that could be the problem

Many companies are to debut global groups, with members from all different backgrounds.

It is more a chance and old ding to get the chances into the second round at an open casting are very low, then weighed to come to debut at all are even less. Take dream academy and the global girl groups katseye as an example. Thousands have advertised and a few hundred have gone on at all, then were about 25 in the show and 6 then got it.

If a company forms a new group and sends the casting call out then stand as bits like the year of birth, 5th gen is just on debuting and the idols are partly real young and have been training years ago.

One thing, too, would your parents allow you to move into another country alone in your age only for the chance to create it? How would that look finacious and if it doesn’t work and you come back with a break in school time? If you make it and get into a group that isn’t successful and then you sit there and pay back the rest of your trainees’ debt, how would that work?

8 months ago

If you become a kpop idol, it doesn’t mean that you will succeed. Every year, about 100 groups and 1% of them are known somehow and even then not always really popular. You have to go to an Argentur like SM, YG, JYP, because only then you will succeed, but you need either correct special visuals/eighting OR a special talent they are looking for. Or both is nocb better. And the chance to become a kpop idols is as low as becoming a football star and many guys who want to play football this too, but can’t.

8 months ago

You can try it

8 months ago

Even if they should take you,

Why do you want to give up your life for such a bullshit?

8 months ago
Reply to  augsburgchris

That’s not bullshit

8 months ago
Reply to  Sophie15138

But it is, and a human contempt. In this respect, South Korea is not too far away from North Korea.

8 months ago

It doesn’t change the basic contradiction.

8 months ago

Then you might want to urgently change the employer or look for a job that will make you fun.

8 months ago

Well, if you don’t track like these, you’ll be exchanged in zero command…. The individual person doesn’t care about these entertainments.

Welcome to the life of an independent employee. Capitalism is hell.

8 months ago

Definitely. I don’t know if it was clear with 14. But with 16 I knew a lot about how the pool business works.

8 months ago

Absolutely right, as long as there are enough volunteers to do that…

8 months ago

Yeah, it’s right. But I’m just saying, it’s just a fault.

8 months ago

Well, if you don’t track like those you want, you’ll be exchanged in null Kommanix and usually leave these shops with a huge mountain to blame. It was a couple weeks ago. The individual person doesn’t care about these entertainments.

8 months ago

Bullshit, yeah. That’s what I see. Human despicable? Can you explain that again?