Soll ich meine Schwester anrufen?
Mein Neffe ist hier und er ist so traurig weil er Streit mit seinen Eltern hat (meine Schwester, seine Mutter und ihr Mann)
Er will morgen nicht in die Schule und ich als Onkel kann ihn nicht entschuldigen
Soll ich eben meine Schwester anrufen (sie ist bestimmt noch wach), und fragen ob sie ihn für morgen entschuldigen kann, damit er erst bei mir bleibt ? Sie weiß, dass er bei mir ist.
As an uncle or aunt, you don’t have to educate the children, but shouldn’t work against the parents or against the welfare of the child! So you should wake your nephew in the morning and send him to school.
You can offer him that he can come back to you after school. Or that you’ll come to pick him up and then you’ll go back home together, so that you can support him a little bit to settle the dispute with his parents.
But definitely don’t support him swaying school tomorrow!
He’s got to go to school tomorrow. Just because he has a fight with his parents, it’s not a reason to dance.
He’s really bad!
Is that so? And then he stays home tomorrow and once he fights with his parents again?
Yes, but life is not a wish concert. EIn Streit will happen more often. He can’t crawl at home every time.
You have no empathy
Yes, I would.
The logic doesn’t open to me.
Because his elders can’t go to school? Such a Slavic. He’s pushing and hoping to score with you. Sure, he’ll go to school tomorrow. There are school pupils in Germany. He has to go. Go to bed with him.
No, the parents don’t argue. He had a violent confrontation with his parents and came to me about spontaneously an hour ago because he didn’t stop it at home.
Still. He likes to breathe through with you. School is must be.
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