Soll ich meine Lehrkraft wegen meiner Klausur-Situation ansprechen?
Hey Leute,
mir geht es schon länger psychisch nicht gut.
Am Freitag schreibe ich eine Klausur, aber ich hatte bisher absolut nicht den Kopf, dafür zu lernen. Nach der Arbeit bin ich teilweise so müde, dass mir schon um 21-22 Uhr die Augen zufallen.
Einige meiner Lehrer wissen von meinen Problemen und zeigen auch viel Verständnis, zum Beispiel bei Verlängerungen von Abgaben.
Meint ihr, es ist eine gute Idee, wenn ich morgen zu der Lehrkraft gehe, bei der ich die Klausur am Freitag schreibe, und ihr meine Situation erkläre?
Ich könnte fragen, ob es vielleicht die Möglichkeit gibt, eine extra Ausarbeitung oder etwas Schriftliches in den nächsten Wochen abzugeben, um die Noten der Klausur irgendwie zu retten.
Oder meint ihr, dass ich das lieber lassen sollte, weil es in der Ausbildung nicht gut ankommt?
As with all others, the exam must be worth it the same. If you write a 5, it must also stay at a 5 for this work. She mustn’t be worth anything else.
But what is available to every student and what is always possible: demand, for example, if you can hold a unit. These are always maintained and such performances are always good and are positively valued if they are good.
Hey, yeah, that’s what I mean. A paper would be a bit difficult for me for Anxiety. That’s why my idea was to maybe work out something written instead – for example a digital poster or on paper. A written elaboration on the subject of what we are writing about. I could do that to somehow have the chance to somehow balance the five from the exam.
regardless of how your teacher reacts, your idea is very good. Communication is always the right way. It’s nice that you also have alternatives in petto. It is important that you explain your situation in peace. After all, she can’t answer you if she doesn’t know your current situation right now. I wish you all the best!
Yes, the teacher also knows about my problems, perhaps not explicitly from this one, which is now very burdensome to me, but as a whole, she knows that I am not doing well. And she’s also super, super sweet and has already had a lot of understanding for other tasks, if I didn’t manage the time. Only I’m afraid if I really talk to her tomorrow and explain to her that the exam on Friday won’t hurt, that I start crying because the subject isn’t that good for me right now, really bad.
It’s perfectly fine to show emotions. Especially if this is such a protected framework in a conversation with your teacher, which you call very dear.
Thanks, you really helped me 🩷
I don’t know her, so I can’t judge her reaction. However, teachers often have situations where pupils start crying for different reasons.
So you think she won’t find that weird when I start crying in front of her?
I would explain it to her, perhaps she has already noticed it herself
Definitely gets not good so tell her
She needs to evaluate all students in the same way, so you can’t do anything about it.
You can talk to the vocational school anyway. Or the work protectionxy who is responsible for you. If it is that your company does not act properly, for example you have 12h days, less than 1h break, also weekend work, etc. then you can pass on this and then the company gets one on the lid. Well, that’s what they’re saying. Just talk to your company before.
You can ask, of course.
But honestly, I think it’s quite unfair that you get benefits because you say you’re not good. Do you think your classmates are always great? They’ve got to get performance. Better work on your problems.
I understand your point and it is true that everyone has its challenges. But I would like to explain briefly:
1. I’m actually in therapy and working intensively on my problems. That’s why I’ve been burdening myself for a long time, and I’m trying to make this active.
Two. I am not concerned with giving me an advantage, but about dealing honestly with my situation.
I want to create the training without completely overwhelming me and look for a solution that helps me without it being unfair to others.