Soll ich meine Hobbys in meinem Lebenslauf bekannt geben?
Meine Hobbys sind: Rauchen , Handy spielen und ausschlafen.
Meine Hobbys sind: Rauchen , Handy spielen und ausschlafen.
Hi, ich habe bald meine Ausbildung geschafft und würde übernommen werden. Ich weiß aber nicht was ein angebrachtes gehält wäre. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und arbeite in Sachsen beim MDR
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Wenn ihr selbst in der Erzieherausbildung in Thüringen seid, schreibt bitte noch dazu welchen Jahrgang.
Do you want to write in when you smoked, played on your phone and slept?
You belong to a CV, not your interests. Where you should never specify yours anyway.
I was wondering if this is a troll question. But okay, in doubt for the doubtful…
Hobbies and honorary offices are of interest only if they are related to the contents of the job and qualify with it. Or for guide positions if a guide position is also occupied in the hobby area. So, for example, like a volunteer fireman at the volunteer fire department.
Can you do, but smoking, playing cell phone and sleeping as a hobby you make to every company a laugh number as accepted
I would rather choose a sport you like to do to make a good impression.
No, they’re not hobbies. And also no jobs that contribute to a positive reputation.
If you are in a club, reading old literature or enjoying social games, you can mention it because it points to your strengths.
I’d say it for a fun application.
Sure, that makes you attractive as a candidate right away.
They’re not hobbies. Then don’t write anything.
No, you shouldn’t. I never gave my hobbies.
I’m sure you’re going to resume.
Honestly lasts the longest.
How else do you want to get to the civic money?
Not better
Yes, then it goes well with citizen money,
If you don’t want a job, yes..
If you don’t want the job, you can write it in
“Hobby” only if it has a reference to the intended job.
That’s probably not the case with your “hobbys”. Mobile phone games may even immediately lead to exclusion.