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black components have a better price-performance ratio. My recommendation for the price range:
jo how should we take the decision, it is your decision, apart from that that dje Config is really not good
Why not be good
btw learn to write
You’re probably 13 years so don’t sound like that on 🙂
Doesn’t have to help you lol, have better things to do, don’t know.
I’ll do it. We’ll see you in the commas (:
Can you look at everything, if you have to ask in the comments, I am significantly faster than on GF
Btw sorry I wrote this up. And your canal’s full of good and I’m gonna look at some stuff now. I’ll leave you there too.
I don’t know why you’re guessing or why you’re interested, but here:
Link times pls short
I am Hardware-Youtuber
This is not crass, for example in the CPU, take one with 5600 non x, power supply is too expensive you lack fan for case, boxed fan installed by AMD etc.
btw are you eig streamer or etc
bro wrm writes that the confie is, it’s huge. So you expect me to get 4090 or what