Soll ich Ketchup mit Mayo mischen?
Will ne Sauce machen! 😕 Soll ich Ketchup mit Mayo mischen?
Schmeckt das? 😕
Will ne Sauce machen! 😕 Soll ich Ketchup mit Mayo mischen?
Schmeckt das? 😕
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Hello, Francesco!
If you like, you can try it.
LG and all the good!
😕 Beautiful weekend 👍
This is already done by Heinz to buy. This is basically the basis of every cocktail sauce.
The sauce tastes, but of course not to all dishes.
Yes, you can definitely do. It’s really good to find. Especially for grilling.
Just try a little bit, then you know if it tastes you personally and don’t have to rely on the tastes of other people online;)
So I don’t like it.
Igitt- actually the “worm” for egg of bacon
😕 Thanks Marikas then I only do with ketchup 😕
Yes you can do that
Tastes very good / delicious :=)
rubber ball
Everything tastes better when you hear hobbies…
So I don’t find delicious, but I don’t like ketchup
😕 Thanks very nice
Meeensch, why always this sad emoji? 😞
Don’t wory… Be happy!
Thank you
Hallö…ic mische Ketchup and Mayo even if I zb Pommes 🍟 esse
Lg Sky 🥰
Try it out, I have also made, both cold and warm and also with salt, pepper, and curry…
No, they taste much better apart.
Jap, it tastes very good 👍🏻👍🏻
Would I recommend you 🍅🥚
VLG Dragonnase ✨ 💖 and good appetite!
Yeah, you can do good.
Yeah, go ahead.
make it, and to round off another 2 tablespoons of scoop
Thank you very nice
Yes and then to the “Ko…” to the toilet