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Stupid answer to a stupid question ;o)
If you are talking about the EU regulation that is currently under discussion:
Haaallo, there were only three more and also explicitly declared ingredients placed on a long and valid list…
No more…
…who can read is clearly in the advantage: no one is allowed to just tip insects so unplanned, even not secretly…
No. Why? There are plenty of other food you can eat. Whether healthy, unhealthy, vegan, vegetarian or whatever you need You decide
Nö, except perhaps in Asia…there it is already gear and bone… 😉
Just decide for yourself! 🙂
Tastes good, and has significantly more proteins than meat. but until these are likely to be in the supermarket it will take time.
Definition question! You probably do it indirectly. Extracts of insects have long been allowed and used.
Red dye E120 is already found in many products, as well as shellac to give the shine, for example, chocolate.
Why you should eat enough other things lg
Nobody forces you to eat insects. Insects can now be shredded and then the protein is extracted to use it as a component of food. That is what the EU has now approved.
How do you think you should do that? Nobody forces you to.
It’s your decision.
Interiors in the curry sausage are better.
If you want to get stars you probably need to ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
No one forces you to xD
LG your finger
Why not? Other people have always done it.
You don’t want anything. You can.
No one forces you to
If you want why not?
Do what you want
Do what you want.