Soll ich ihr nochmal schreiben?
Guten Morgen,
meine Frage lässt sich ja aus dem Titel entnehmen. Ich schreibe seit 3 Monaten täglich und viel mit einem Mädchen von meiner Uni. Verstehen uns sehr gut und das Interesse war eigentlich immer beidseitig vorhanden. Vor drei Tagen haben wir ganz normal geschrieben, von Ihrer aus hat sie auch noch interessiert Fragen gestellt und dann kam plötzlich nichts mehr. Sie hat mir mal gesagt, wenn es ihr nicht gut geht, zieht sie sich zurück und ich soll das nicht persönlich nehmen, wenn das mal vorkommt. Aber nach 3 Tagen kreisen dann doch die Gedanken. Gestern Abend hat sie auch noch mejne Story auf Insta geliked (ich weiss dass das keine Aussagekraft hat) aber wenn man jemanden aktiv ghosten will macht man das ja nicht…deshalb ich bin maximal verwirrt…ich bin auch niemand, der einengt. Wenn jemand Raum braucht, dann ist das ja voll okay, aber dies zu kommunizieren, nachdem man so intensiven Kontakt hat, wäre meiner Meinung nach angebracht.
Well, then. Just write.
I know you’re not good at the moment, but you can contact me if you want to talk or write. I’d like to leave you alone for the first time, not that you’re wondering that doesn’t happen to me. Just don’t know if that’s just inappropriate or maybe too much, so I’ll leave you the option.
Yes, then you did as much as possible and do your everyday life for the first time, would not wait for a message.
Best post!
Find the message super, but will it not come over too much? On the other hand I didn’t give her the 3 days”doubletexted”
I don’t think you’re telling me that you don’t mind.
Without info, she would think he has no more interest and then it runs in the sand. You just move back because she’s not okay, but if she wants you to be there anyway. What makes them do lies with her.
That sounds like exactly what she announced to withdraw. I don’t think that the loss of interest means.
But bad communication is natural and you will have to decide whether or not you find it acceptable.
You know each other from university. See you over the week? Face to face, you might find more.
Yes, see us on Tuesday
See if you can talk to her on Tuesday. And until then try not to make you crazy.
Oh and, people in bad mental state often react badly to accusations. So more “I’ll make sure everything’s okay between us” and less “why don’t you answer?” would probably be more targeted if it’s mental health. If she just ghosted you, you can still get sour afterwards.
She told you exactly what can be, and how to behave! She pulls back when she doesn’t feel good and you don’t want to take it personally! Now just do it, and don’t forget it after 3 days because of your impatience! If it goes after 2 3 weeks in the sand you can say it is not up to you; Now – after 3 days the thing would look different! You don’t want to blame yourself!
That’s similar. “Let’s say time,” but not mine is difficult
If her mental/psychic is not good, she probably doesn’t want to see anyone.
This has nothing to do with you.
Just give her the time she needs.
If she warned you about it, it’s okay
If you’ve written for 3 months I don’t think she wants you ghosts now
I wouldn’t write her first she’ll write to you when she’s ready