Soll ich es so machen? Ich habe leider nur die Fachhochschulreife. Soll ich dann erstmal an einer Fachhochschule studieren und den Bachelor dort machen und?

dann an einer Uni weiterstudieren (z.B. nochmal Bachelor und dann Master)

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10 months ago

After a Bachelor at the FH again making a Bachelor at the University I wouldn’t. Then you’d better get right into the master.

It would be really easier to retrieve the Abi than 6 semesters to study something just to never do anything with the degree.

10 months ago

Yes, in some degree programs, you can also make the Master at a university although the Bachelor of an FH is. Sometimes you still have to retrieve credits, but if you don’t need the general credit for what you want, I wouldn’t waste the time for it.

10 months ago

Both FH and Uni complete with a Bachelor. FH is even more practical. As long as you do not want to become a lawyer, a teacher or a doctor, it is completely sufficient and formal exactly the same.