Soll ich es meiner Mutter sagen?
Hey bin Mädchen und ich war alleine mit meinem Vater Zuhause. Er war untenauf der Couch und ich wollte mir was zu Essen machen deswegen bin ich runter in die Küche und bin dann kurz ins Wohnzimmer gegangen und wollte meinen Vater fragen ob Mama bei der Arbeit sei. Er hat sein Handy schnell ausgemacht und es von mir weggedreht. Ich bin dann in die Küche gegangen und habe dann so getan also würde ich was aus den Kühlschrank nehmen und habe dann heimlich auf das Handy meines Vaters geschaut und habe gesehen das er sich ein Por… anschaut. Als ich mir was zu Essen gemacht haben wollte ich nach oben und habe gesehen das er sein Handy wieder von mir extra wegdreht damit ich es nicht sehe. Ich weiß jetzt nicht ob das normal ist aber ist auch egal meine Frage ist ja ob ich es meine erste Mutter sagen soll oder es lieber Geheim halten soll??
hallooo, almost exactly the same thing happened to me so my father looked so bikini pictures of other women. I didn’t tell my mother. she found out herself. that was really mad they were just fighting. at your place, I would say garnix first look if he would continue to do this if then say it to your mother when he keeps going then tell your mother. if you say it to your mother you have to count on it that they fight a lot
Good luck 🙂
or his mother loves it and then they look together.
I’m a one you would be kind of weird but also funny
Thank you, I will:)
Can you add me?
Do it yourself, what are these always for questions? You can also press on the button 🤦 ♂️
It’s totally normal to watch porn, he doesn’t cheat your mother, so keep it for you and be more discreet next time.
But that’s cheating, you cheat the person in your head. Besides, he’s supposed to grow up… What’s “discreet”?
The thoughts are free, with his head you can do what you want. It makes a person what he thinks of or imagines he does.
It doesn’t make you a good person if you only have “pure” thoughts, it makes you a good person when you do good. When you’re busy all day with it, you’re cramped to caress your thoughts, and you’re just jammed and useless.
It’s NO dick and SEINE hollow hand as long as he doesn’t put his dick in another woman he didn’t cheat anyone.
You think what your Na**s say. But well, who doesn’t want it has already, I think it’s important to keep opinion from other people just once. Think of me what you want.
Conversely, you have no opinion, this is your motto in no case thinking yourself and only believe what they say.
What opinion? You have no
Conversely, you left and green people want to destroy society, you want to destroy the middle class and ban people’s opinion
It is often used wrong and much too fast, some people feel already stalked when looking at their instastory. Don’t worry, I know society is stupid.
And an AFDler has nothing to tell me about society.
But it is also used differently, I’m sorry if you have no idea of society
Definitions of Oxford Languages · More information
/ Ministry of Education
weak verb
(due to non-respondent love, revenge, etc.) follow someone, cheer him up and terrorize him (by unmissable love letters, phone calls, threats, etc.)
to English to stalk = to piss off from German, related to stealing
You’re pathetic, always stalking me and constantly being angry with other people
Better teach yourself something, read and listen to your annoying self-pity. It’s just pathetic.
No, that’s not true, why am I always the evil of disgusting ideas, what have I done? Teachers also have to teach me this, but teachers can’t do anything and I wrote it when I was almost asleep.
Don’t always close from you to others. And learn spelling.
But he struggles to sleep with this other person, that’s nice the first half. If he had the chance he would.
Nix you do, forget it. Believe me, this is the best. You just sit between two chairs and you’re the traitor. If you’re bad luck for both.
And above all, your father might never trust you again.
This is the only thing of parents to keep their relationship running, not yours!
Just let him look, that’s all his thing
nix bad thing.
let him look, and it is not your thing, but even the ones of your parents.
Porn brazing and lower testosterone value in men.
and then not for women or how?
and how do you think you noticed that on yourself?
Sudden views are already brazed. 😂
You started it. not me, so I expect proof before you.
do your research
and again… also women look porn. will they be destroyed?
and how does that look destroyed?
and how do you want to know?
I don’t look like that shit. Porn Destroy Men
My God, let him do it. He’s grown up.
Boy what do you think I’ll ask. I don’t know myself
I wouldn’t tell my mother because she’d be shocked, but I think I’d just be disappointed forever by my father. Luckily, he doesn’t look like that.
This is going well with the Petzerei …
… but be curious to go-no-more.
What do you mean curious so yes I was but I thought he had written with other women or so and photographs of which look is what he’s going on to my mother’s stranger so I looked secretly