Soll ich es ausprobieren?

Ich möchte mir nebenbei etwas aufbauen, da ich den Alltag in einen 9-5 Job nicht mehr mein ganzes Leben machen kann.

Ich habe mit einer geschrieben die genauso in der Situation war und damit ihr Leben verändert hat.

Man muss halt ein gewisses Startkapital investieren hat aber dann das gesamt Paket und kann sich dann ein erfolgreiches Leben aufbauen

Soll ich es versuchen ?

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6 months ago

Can you describe what it’s all about?

I wrote with one who was in the same situation and has changed her life.

How much should you pay for the “use instruction” to be able to lead a satisfied life?

You have to invest a certain start capital, but then the whole package and can then build up a successful life

  • How high is this avoidable start capital?
  • What does the “round careless package” mean?
  • What can you build a successful life with?

In principle, you should be careful with such offers.

6 months ago

You have to invest a certain start capital, but then the whole package and can then build up a successful life

You won’t succeed if you just buy a starter package. It only deserves the provider.

What exactly does this package include? Then what can you earn money?

6 months ago

Good evening Coco123653!

You say you always go to study. From this point of view, yes!

Now that comes, your business idea should be valid. Especially on the Internet, many of them are walking around, which seemingly do wonderful business, which seem to have money sprinkled by themselves. Right ahead: They live not from their business idea, but from self-marketing.

In principle, there are many possibilities to act next door. Many have already been successful.

It is important that you think about your business:

1. How much capital is needed?

Two. Where should capital come from?

3. What legal form do you want to choose?

4. Who supports you in accounting or can you manage it alone?

Five. How do you market your business?

6. Is there a market for your business?

Do you have concrete ideas?

I wish you every success!

If you have any questions, get in the keyboard!

6 months ago

No, leave it.