Soll ich die Butter schmelzen?
Bei nem Rezept für Himbeermuffins steht nur das ich die Butter,das Mehl,den Zucker und den Vanillezucker schaumig rühren soll. Soll ich die Butter schmelzen?
Bei nem Rezept für Himbeermuffins steht nur das ich die Butter,das Mehl,den Zucker und den Vanillezucker schaumig rühren soll. Soll ich die Butter schmelzen?
Ich suche Ideen für ein kleines kaltes Fischgericht, dass bei einem mehrgängigen Menü sowohl als Vorspeise, als auch als kleiner Zwischengang funktionieren würde. Habt ihr eine Idee?
Hab gestern ein tassencremepudding gegessen und dazu ein kinderriegel und heute eine mini Toblarone und ein Tassen Creme pudding caramel cafe
Ich ja weil das billiger ist.
No, don’t melt, either you get the whole butter ca. 1 hour before you start out of the fridge, or you cut it into small pieces. (all at the small cut it will be soft enough)
However, you should then stir only butter and sugar & vanilla sugar foamy until the sugar has dissolved, then add the flour.
She doesn’t even have to be really soft. Cut the butter with a knife. It’ll be soft when you mix.
Butter should always be processed as it is in the recipe. If there is not explicitly cold or melted, then room temperature is meant.
No, just warm up. Let it lie out or put a moment in the sun (if you should shine). It should only be soft but not liquid.
Sun attacks the surface too strongly. we overflow it outside while it is still hard inside – prefer to pick up an hour before the refrigerator and let it soften at room temperature.
If it’s not explicit that you should melt the butter, you don’t have to melt it either. She should be soft. So don’t process out of the refrigerator right away.
No. Simply stir the soft butter with the sugar foamy. Then gradually add the flour.
Where are the eggs?
They later thought as is no longer important
I would always add the eggs before the flour. If you stir the dough too long with the flour, the cakes are no longer fluffy.
Yes, let me read it right at the end, but the eggs come in instead of the flour and the flour later.
No, I want you to mix until there’s a decent dough.
You can’t mix muffins long, or they’ll be hard and hard. They often still look lumpy and not after decent dough
This applies only when the flour comes in.
You have to mix for a few minutes with “smooth”!
The ingredients must mix. There must be no fat butter flakes in there.
I know how to bake muffins ðŸ
This is necessary if you stir butter and sugar foamy ðŸ ̃‰ What I meant are flour slumps when the dry ingredients are added
At least it must be very soft. No, no, no.
No, it’s getting foamed by stirring. She just has to be soft.
No, use roomwarm.