Soll ich dem helfen?
Auf Insta gibt es einen aus Afrika, der mich anbettelt weil er mit seinen Geschwistern verhungert. Ich habe große Zweifel und glaube dass das ein scam ist. Vor langer Zeit hat er mich schon damit voll gespammt und dann lange nichts und jetzt wieder. Ist das Betrug, oder soll ich ihm essen kaufen?
What do they eat? Send some sack of rice, noodles or potatoes.
He wants a sack of rice and fruit
Great! No problem – let your shipping address and then send him what you can do.
If a “mimimi” is to come, you’ll know where you are. 😉
Most likely spam. Otherwise, he would probably sell a mobile phone and get food with the money
If it is only a hundred euros, donate the money. This is of course fraud and you are the victim. But it is a comparatively cheap teaching; you will never fall in again.
Yes, if you give him your account number, your account is empty and the money is gone and you’re broke and he’s funny. They’re all cheaters.
Ignore and block.
It’s a scam.
Don’t do anything!
Of course, who starved depends on Insta tum and prays to other people…
I don’t give it anyway and the account is already deleted, but if you get told all the time, my poor little sisters cry because we haven’t eaten for days, you’ll get soft after a while
No, you’re not gonna get something like that coming over Insta.
If the situation was really so bad, he’d see as a big Mr. Brother that he’s going to eat something instead of hanging around on the Internet.
He just wants to get you some money from the cross. Blocking and reporting
You don’t help any shyboy.
Are you saying I’m a bad person?
You’ve been excavating muslimas for years, so yes.
I’m not an excavator, I just have one preference and ask for advice because that’s a pretty heavy situation. You have a very extreme and false view of me.
Spammer is immediately extinguished.
go to sleep
The question is old, but I will go to sleep now
Let me guess. allegedly from gambia? 😂
And so is it
is scam.
I don’t want to support scams in God’s name…
they always aim especially for religious people because they know about their “done in God’s name”. they do the same with muslims.
Okay, why do they always bring Christianity into it with “you are such a good Christian” and “God bless you”