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Ideen für Aktivitäten am Geburtstag(16ter)?
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Findet ihr diesen Witz lustig?
Werdet ihr dieses Jahr GNTM gucken?
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Personally, I don’t think the picture is so beautiful. Very blurred, you hardly recognize the person but rather the background.
In addition, you need to remember that WhatsApp also displays the images very small when you are in chat and you do not open them. You won’t see anything.
You can make yourself anonymous behind your phone, but before you take such a beautifully washed-up picture, you would rather photograph a doll and take it.
No the Ouality is not so nice and the background
No I wouldn’t
I don’t know. But if I’d rather not do it, it’s not as good quality or whatever you call it.
No – don’t do it
Yes,you can use,but is not super quality. 😅☺️
LG Maike
It’s not so great.
I personally set an avatar as a profile image at WhatsApp, as this also offers WhatsApp.
No. Full catastrophe! What’s that good for? There’s nothing to see. And no one is interested in this hallway or what that should be. And constantly this phone from the face… 🙄🙄
Is something blurred, right? But end effect, your thing. ☺️
You can do it.
If you want…
If you don’t want to know