Soll ich das Essen?
Ich will keinen Fisch essen, ich bin Vegetarierin. Aber das will ich meiner Mutter nicht sagen. Ich kann einfach nicht. Sie sagt es sei auch so gesund und alles. Aber ich bin nicht mehr lange da bald bin ich im Wohnheim und kann das theoretisch da auch besprechen. Aber wenn die mir jetzt vor Sonntag noch mit Fisch kommt, was mache ich dann? Soll ich eine Ausnahme machen? Ich mache das nur ungern und würde mich komisch fühlen. Aber dass ich es nicht will kann ich ihr einfach nicht sagen😅
She must accept it if you don’t like eating fish, just as if you don’t like eating meat.
Fish is very healthy and most vegetarians eat fish, but no meat, which I find in turn contradictory.
Either you can stand your point in front of others or you listen to others. So if you’re still too self-sufficient to just tell your mom that you don’t want to eat fish as a vegetarian, you just have to eat what comes on the table.
Then you just leave the fish and say you’re not hungry and eat something else. Will not only give fish
Ahja, she doesn’t want to say from mother’s conscience that she doesn’t want to eat fish, but lying to her could she agree with her conscience?
It’s not direct to lie. She doesn’t want to eat it, so she doesn’t have any pleasure/heart on it
It is not about going home with his view, but to stand on himself and to express this even if one tries to impose something on one’s own mother (out of ignorance). That’s a huge difference.
You have your opinion, I mean 🤷 You don’t have to bind everyone on your nose as a vegetarian. That is what all Omnis are constantly criticizing for vegetarians and vegans they tell everyone. And then it’s not right again if you don’t.
Sure it’s lying. She doesn’t eat the fish because she doesn’t have an appetite for it, but because she doesn’t want it as a vegetarian. I don’t know why she’s making a break to tell her mom she’s a vegetarian. Read as if she had no self-confidence and is completely dependent on Mamis’s recognition. And she does not understand that the only reason why the mother is pushing her fish is that she still sees her as a child, because she (the TE) behaves her, and the mother thus determines what is good for the daughter.
And so long as TE does not become more independent and learns without having bad g ́knowledge to itself, it has absolutely its correctness that the mother disbands the TE.
Make an exception and eat the fish. Fish is one of the healthiest things you can eat.
If your mother knows you’re a vegetarian, I’d just explain it to her.
I’d explain to her the difference between vegetarian and peestcetarier, etc.
I think she’ll understand. :