Soll ich das Auto kaufen?
Ich habe mir heute ein Auto angeschaut und es war ziemlich günstig. Bin damit noch zu TÜV und er meinte, dass das Auto seiner Meinung nach zum Kilometerstand passt und gut ausschaut.
Mein einziges Problem ist, dass das Serviceheft nur digital ist. Bei BMW soll es wohl seit ein paar Jahren so sein. Ich sehe das Serviceheft also nur auf dem Display. Aber man kann es ja leicht fälschen, oder?
Um an die Servicehistorie direkt von BMW ranzukommen würde es paar Tage dauern. Könnte also sein, dass dieses Auto schon verkauft sein könnte, da es so günstig.
Meint ihr, ich soll drauf vertrauen? Oder nochmal die paar Tage riskieren. Weil das Auto hat mir sehr sehr gut gefallen.
Is the seller an authorized BMW dealer or a small dealer at the corner?
I’d wait in your place. If a car is cheap, you should always be suspicious. No one voluntarily waives a fair selling price. You must obviously be put under pressure in time. This is also not a good sign!
Talk to BMW if you can see the service history. I don’t think it’s possible to forge in the BMW computer. However, the digital service book shown to you could be a fake.
let the BMW dealer of the Audi A1 give you the WAUZZ number.
Under the hood:
Right door visible when opening.
Also found in the trunk.
And then every insurance can look.
Or VAG dealers.
Let’s go!
Then you can read the data quickly.
Only then will a sales talk.
It’s bullshit. What does this have to do with Audi? And what does the insurance have to do with the service?
My motorcycle also has a digital service booklet, but I still get an invoice in paper form during each inspection. Ask the seller if he has invoices.
Model, km standing, year of construction and price? …so that no one starts anything here…
120.000 km, 2015, 11000€ and is an Audi A1
Too I would never buy….much too expensive and otherwise km and year of construction much too much…..There you will get younger, better and other in this class.. I know because we have been looking for our daughter and have been fed.
What does an Audi A1 have to do with BMW now?