Soll ich das Angebot annehmen aber habe angst vor aids?
Das Mädchen das mich anschrieb brauche geld bietet Sex Dienstleistungen an gebe täglich 50€ für Drogen aus sagt sie das ist doch der Hammer 2000€ im Monat
warum können menschen Finger von Drogen nicht weg lassen oder aufhören ?
I would also be afraid of AIDS and other diseases and would therefore not accept the offer.
Apart from the fact that prostitution turns me off very personally: it is also a use of addiction* disease*. Whether it’s all done, etc.
If it’s an *girl*, so under 18, it’s criminal.
No, don’t do that. This can have bad consequences. Not only are gender diseases possible, but also pregnancy if you do not properly prevent
As far as drugs are concerned, this is because these people depend on them.
LG Serena:)
I wouldn’t accept the offer, because you only support their drug use.
Sounds good.
And what does this have to do with aids now? No one forces you.
Drugs are a disease, you can rarely just stop