Soll ich aufhören (rotes) Fleisch zu essen 😭🦴?

Okay Leute das ist ernst. Das ist sowas von ernst.
und ich han schiss zum Arzt zu gehen.
ich bin 25. erst fünfundzwanzig und jeden Morgen seit einigen monaten sind meine Finger steif

ich bekomm richtig panik. Einmal war sogar mein Ellebogen steif und es dauert dann immer so ne halbe stunde bis ich mich normal an den Stellen bewegen kann.

ich hab so panische Angst vor Arthrose oder so unD Angst zum Arzt zu gehen weil ich diese Diagnose nicht haben will😭nicht mit 25 nein nein NEEEIN

ICh hab von einigen Leuten im Internet gehört dass sie diese Symptome heilen konnten indem sie aufgehört haben Fleisch, vor sllem rotes Fleisch zu essen.

kann mir das helfen ? Was ist mit Eisen und Proteinen ?

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10 months ago

every morning since a few months my fingers are stiff

You should let a doctor examine you, and you shouldn’t think out of a showbook.

so panic fear of arthrosis

Arthrosis will not be very unlikely.

that they could cure these symptoms by stopping meat from eating sllem red meat.

This is esoteric mumpitz.

10 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Typical for beginning arthrosis are pain, not stiffness. Restriction of movement occurs far advanced.

You claim to suffer from stiffness. There should be a doctor explaining what you have.

10 months ago

With 25 it will certainly not be an arthrosis (there is hardly a role for the diet) and also not a gout (here Purin plays a role) but something else.

Some way too much water retention or maybe an infection like listings that attack the joints.

That’s why you should definitely go to the doctor!

Dultus, UserMod Light
10 months ago

Hello dear questioner,

instead of buying yourself around you, you should go to the doctor. He will tell you how to deal with it and treat you accordingly.

Whether you have the diagnosis or not, the problem and the symptoms are here. The doctor’s visit doesn’t change that. But it can potentially solve it and your complaints may be resolved. even completely remove as long as you go to the doctor early.

Best regards

10 months ago

What may be, your complaints may indicate rheumatism. And excessive meat consumption can increase the symptoms.
On the Internet you should not pick up health tips and diagnoses – too much ulcer.

10 months ago

I actually did that when I was vegan for half a year in 2022. Then change your diet and your consumption and observe if something does.

It may be that there is something too much or too little.

10 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

I was vegan and suddenly my forearm was always deaf and stiff in the morning after getting up. This always took about an hour until I was able to move it properly. I still have no idea what it was. When I turned the diet back on meat, it went back sometime.

10 months ago

I don’t know. I don’t know yet. Could be.

10 months ago

A little avitaminosis.

10 months ago

I think you mean gout, not athrose.

Evtl. you have rheumatism – can normally be adjusted well with medications.

10 months ago

Go to the doctor to close your eyes will not bring you anything…

10 months ago

Stuff the meat properly, then it is no longer red.